To mark which we have added a header photo, at last.
Now because that does not show in full it is here too - and will stay, if we change headers.
This was taken in the 1970s when we had the beautiful Wiz and this green French Renault 4.
Which fits with the International theme, don`t you think.
This picture also shows the curious way the window opened.
And why it was never open going along..
#vintage #photo #dog #terrier #westie #WestHighlandWhite #Renault #Renault4 #car
#internationaldogday #vintage #photo #dog #terrier #westie #westhighlandwhite #renault #renault4 #car
To mark which we have added a header photo, at last.
Now because that does not show in full it is here too.
Also it will stay, if we change headers.
This was taken in the 1970s when we had the beautiful Wiz and this bright green Renault 4.
This picture also demonstrates that the window had a rather curious way of opening.
And that for obvious reasons it was never opened whilst going along..
#vintage #photo #dog #terrier #westie #WestHighlandWhite #Renault #Renault4 #car
#internationaldogday #vintage #photo #dog #terrier #westie #westhighlandwhite #renault #renault4 #car
[VIDEO] Katra za dober namen. ❤️ @LukaPahor #katra #renault #renault4 #oldtimer #selling #forcharity #kids #formerpresident #president #pahor #presidentpahor https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoP2Ua7I3eV/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/BorutPahor/status/1621917848258879488
#katra #renault #renault4 #oldtimer #selling #forcharity #kids #formerpresident #president #Pahor #presidentpahor
French street scene in Boulogne sur Mer, November 1983. Taken on a school trip to France.
#boulogne #PasDeCalais #renault4 #renault12 #renault #weirdcarmastodon #WeirdCarTwitter #classiccars #cars
#Renault4 at the #circuitdesremparts #angouleme 2022
#renault4 #circuitdesremparts #angouleme
#4latas @ Dietzenbach https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl8Iyc3o8mj/?igshid=YTgzYjQ4ZTY=
So einen hatte mein Opa in meiner frühesten Kindheit. Auf dem Teil habe ich mit 8 Jahren das Fahren gelernt :) #Renault4
Ich liebte dieses Teil.
Entrümpelung unseres Kellers.
Zum Glück hat M.Claude genug Platz im Laderaum.
In den Ford Focus Turnier hätte nicht alles rein gepasst.
#quatrelle #renault4 #renault