Looks like the production of one of the original #EV trailblazers is coming to an end, no more #RenaultZoe cars to be built after March 2024.
Looks to be a straight swap for the upcoming #Renault5 too, will be interesting to see how that fairs on WLTP range once built.
#future #evs #renault #electricvehicles #renault5 #renaultzoe #ev
Nissan and Renault revamp alliance with $663 million EV investment - Enlarge / The Renault Zoe (left) and Nissan Leaf (right) were two early... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1956642 #nissanrenaultalliance #electriccar #nissanariya #nissanleaf #renaultzoe #nissanev #renault #nissan #cars
#cars #nissan #renault #nissanev #renaultzoe #nissanleaf #nissanariya #electriccar #nissanrenaultalliance
O 1º automóvel 100% elétrico de grande produção da Renault já tem data para fim de produção: o Renault Zoe chega ao fim a 30 de março 2024, tive hipótese de testar a actual versão 50 e até gostei. O que também significa que o novo "R5" deverá chegar a seguir. #Renault #renaultzoe
Quelles sont les meilleures citadines électriques à acheter en 2023 ? https://www.frandroid.com/guide-dachat/guides-dachat-voitures/1091645_meilleures-citadines-electriques #automobile-mobilitéurbaine #guidesdachatvoitures #voituresélectriques #citadineélectrique #voitureélectrique #seatmiielectric #guidesdachat #minicooperse #peugeote-208 #renaultzoe #produits #fiat500
#fiat500 #produits #renaultzoe #peugeote #MiniCooperSE #guidesdachat #seatmiielectric #voitureelectrique #citadineelectrique #voitureselectriques #guidesdachatvoitures #automobile
Elektroautos beim TĂśV: Tesla Model 3 schneidet am schlechtesten ab
Unter den vier am meisten gefragten Elektroautos war die Durchfallquote in den TÜV-Hauptuntersuchungen für das Tesla Model 3 am größten.
#BMWi3 #Elektroauto #NissanLeaf #RenaultZoe #TeslaModel3 #TĂśV #TĂśVVerband
#verpasstodon #bmwi3 #elektroauto #nissanleaf #renaultzoe #teslamodel3 #tuv #tuvverband
6 Jahre altes billig Androidhandy XIAOMI mi A1 mit Android 12 wieder zum Leben erweckt
Es hat ein paar Feierabende Zeit gekostet und zwischendurch dachte ich, ich hätte das kleine Gerätchen endgültig kaputt gebrickt. Aber siehe da:
Ich musste mit verschiedenen USB-Kabeln und LineageOS Versionen und Bootloader hin u
#Android12 #AndroidAuto #Lineageos19.1 #RenaultZoe #XiaomimiA1
#android12 #androidauto #lineageos19 #renaultzoe #xiaomimia1
Renault Zoe: Elektroauto bleibt ohne direkten Nachfolger
Der elektrische Kleinwagen Zoe soll keinen Nachfolger erhalten. Das bedeutet allerdings nicht, dass sich Renault aus diesem Segment komplett zurĂĽckzieht.
#elektroauto #elektromobilitat #renault #renaultzoe #news
@robin Nun ja, der #RenaultZoe war & ist kein großes und teures Auto - es wurden & werden auch damals Zigtausende teurere KfZ mit #Verbrennungsmotoren verkauft… Und umso früher der Umstieg auf #Elektromobilitaet gelingt, umso schneller entsteht auch ein haltbarer #Gebrauchtwagenmarkt…
#renaultzoe #Verbrennungsmotoren #elektromobilitaet #gebrauchtwagenmarkt
TIL #RenaultZoe uses motor windings as the inductor of the buck-boost converter as they wanted to support 43kW AC charging without adding a 40kg inductor. DC charging has become the norm for rapid charging so this design has become suboptimal. Still it is an interesting creative #EngineeringDecision that will go down in history. Great explanatory video by Mikes Electric Stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drS3sEsxOO8 #powerelectronics #electricvehicles
#electricvehicles #powerelectronics #engineeringdecision #renaultzoe
We're now on our second #RenaultZoe and we love it. Currently waiting for survey for #SolarPV on our flat garage roof (house roof is too awkwardly shaped).
We will overprovision on #BatteryStorage because we are on the #OctopusGo tariff and can top it up cheaply overnight. Also, batteries are only VAT zero rated when bought with solar.
#octopusgo #batterystorage #solarpv #renaultzoe
I really wasn’t sure when I started dabbling in #ElectricVehicles back in 2016 but I’m glad I did. Articles like https://www.electrive.net/2022/05/10/renault-99-prozent-aller-zoe-akkus-noch-einsatzfaehig/ confirm that the choice I made with the #RenaultZOE is a good one. Ours is doing great. Sold the smaller one tho. There was simply no need for it any more. We drive way less nowadays. (https://beko.famkos.net/t/MXb9)
I really wasn’t sure when I started dabbling in #ElectricVehicles back in 2016 but I’m glad I did. Articles like https://www.electrive.net/2022/05/10/renault-99-prozent-aller-zoe-akkus-noch-einsatzfaehig/ confirm that the choice I made with the #RenaultZOE is a good one. Ours is doing great. Sold the smaller one tho. There was simply no need for it any more. We drive way less nowadays. (https://beko.famkos.net/t/MXb9)
Renault Zoe receives zero stars after latest round of Euro NCAP safety tests
#RenaultZoe #EuroNCAP #Featured #News
#renaultzoe #EuroNCAP #Featured #news
It amazes me again and again how much stuff I can throw into the #RenaultZOE without thinking twice. (https://beko.famkos.net/p/ir8)
It amazes me again and again how much stuff I can throw into the #RenaultZOE without thinking twice. (https://beko.famkos.net/p/ir8)
#RenaultZoe Eines des beliebtesten europäischen E-Autos. #elektroauto #101dinge #Elektroautobuch #elektromobilität #autor #autos
#renaultzoe #elektroauto #101dinge #Elektroautobuch #elektromobilität #autor #autos
@JimG That's a really important procedure for a #RenaultZOE. When dirt makes it into the tiny holes there it plugs the drainage. The moment this is noticed inside the car it's basically a full bottle already and way to late. Takes weeks to dry again.
That's why many simply remove a small plastic plug at the undersurface so dirt has a chance to wash out again.
@JimG That's a really important procedure for a #RenaultZOE. When dirt makes it into the tiny holes there it plugs the drainage. The moment this is noticed inside the car it's basically a full bottle already and way to late. Takes weeks to dry again.
That's why many simply remove a small plastic plug at the undersurface so dirt has a chance to wash out again.
Electromobility works
Reflecting on going electric after several years of #electromobility with our #RenaultZOE cars, the #ElectricVehicles of our choice back in 2016. This is a review of the last years of driving #ev - the good, the bad, the ugly.
#electromobility #renaultzoe #electricvehicles #ev
Electromobility works
Reflecting on going electric after several years of #electromobility with our #RenaultZOE cars, the #ElectricVehicles of our choice back in 2016. This is a review of the last years of driving #ev - the good, the bad, the ugly.
#electromobility #renaultzoe #electricvehicles #ev