#Bales2023FilmChallenge August 15: looking at/speaking to the moon on #ChantAtTheMoonDay
The beauty (#JosetteDay) and the beast's (#JeanMarais) fate are determined by #Diana, the #moon goddess, represented by a white deer and hunting dogs, something the audience would have understood immediately when this film came out. From the very symbolic-heavy and beautifully moonlit La Belle et la Bête (#JeanCocteau & #RenéClément, 1946).
#bales2023filmchallenge #chantatthemoonday #josetteday #jeanmarais #diana #moon #jeancocteau #film #cinema #cinemastodon #fairytale #reneclement
Jane Fonda diz que diretor pediu por sexo para ver se orgasmo dela serviria em papel; assista
#RenéClément #JaulasAmorosas #JaneFonda #Assédio #ViNoInstagram #Famosos
#reneclement #jaulasamorosas #janefonda #assedio #vinoinstagram #famosos
Fonda feigned ignorance
Rene Clement tried to take chance
Forced to toughen stance
#janefonda #reneclement #metoo #haiku #poetry
#janefonda #reneclement #metoo #haiku #poetry
60 years ago:
The Day and the Hour (FR,IT)
Original title: Le Jour et l'Heure
It's the spring of 1944 and Therese is in a hurry to get back to Paris. The trains aren't running from the village where she has gone to visit her father's grave and to fill two suitcases with food. Some British and American planes have been shot down and the Germans want to know where the pilots ar...
#TheDayandtheHour #RenéClément #Movies
#thedayandthehour #reneclement #movies
GIOCHI PROIBITI di René Clement (1952)
I due bambini, all'insaputa degli adulti, si nascondono dentro questo "gioco proibito" dove il cimitero, amaro riflesso dell'angoscia della morte e della guerra, diventa l'unica fonte di ispirazione, l'unica forma efficace di evasione per esorcizzare il dolore e la crudeltà... https://www.vaevedi.it/2010/11/giochi-proibiti-1952.html
#jeuxinterdits #renéclément #forbiddengames #francoisboyer #jeanaurenche #georgespoujouly #brigittefossey #laurencebadie #film #guerra #cinema
#jeuxinterdits #reneclement #forbiddengames #francoisboyer #jeanaurenche #georgespoujouly #brigittefossey #laurencebadie #film #guerra #cinema
A Bordeaux è #NatoOggi nel 1913 il regista #RenéClément due volte vincitore del Premio Oscar per il miglior film straniero, la prima per #LeMuraDiMalapaga
#18marzo #NatoOggi #reneclement #lemuradimalapaga
#Movies #Cine #Cinema #Films #Películas #Cinemastodon #ClassicFilms #AdaptacionesDeLibros #PatriciaHighsmith #TheTalentedMr Ripley #PleinSoleil #APlenoSol #PurpleNoon #RenéClément #AlainDelon #MauriceRonet #MarieLaforêt #MastoFilms #FrenchFilms #ObrasMaestrasDelCine #MovieMasterpiece #ClásicosDelCine
🎬 A pleno sol (René Clément, 1960)
Gente civilizada:
—A propósito: ¿has intentado matarme al salir del agua?
—Al salir del agua no, pero sí una o dos veces antes.
—¡Ah! Eso me interesa…
#movies #cine #cinema #films #peliculas #cinemastodon #classicfilms #adaptacionesdelibros #patriciahighsmith #thetalentedmr #pleinsoleil #aplenosol #purplenoon #reneclement #alaindelon #MauriceRonet #MarieLaforet #mastofilms #frenchfilms #obrasmaestrasdelcine #moviemasterpiece #clasicosdelcine
#LemuradiMalapaga (1949) è un #film di #RenéClément con #JeanGabin e #IsaMiranda. Non so come mai mai i film, i romanzi, i racconti in generale che hanno come oggetto amori che alla fine non possono realizzarsi, ma rimangono - per così dire - in potenza, suscitano da tempo su di me una grande attrattiva...
#lemuradimalapaga #film #reneclement #jeangabin #isamiranda
#Movies #Cine #Cinema #Films #Películas #Cinemastodon #Pleinsoleil #Aplenosol #Purplenoon #RenéClément #AlainDelon #MauriceRonet #MarieLaforêt
A pleno sol (1960) > El talento de Mr. Ripley (1999)
#movies #cine #cinema #films #peliculas #cinemastodon #pleinsoleil #aplenosol #purplenoon #reneclement #alaindelon #MauriceRonet #MarieLaforet
#Movies #Cine #Cinema #Films #Películas #Cinemastodon #Pleinsoleil #Aplenosol #Purplenoon #RenéClément #AlainDelon, #MauriceRonet #MarieLaforêt
A pleno sol (1960) > El talento de Mr. Ripley (1999)
#movies #cine #cinema #films #peliculas #cinemastodon #pleinsoleil #aplenosol #purplenoon #reneclement #alaindelon #MauriceRonet #MarieLaforet
Purple Noon (Plein Soleil,1960), René Clément's crime thriller based on Patricia Highsmith’s novel The Talented Mr Ripley. This film offers the chance to see Alain Delon on the brink of major stardom. He already has charisma, he already has that incredible Delon coolness. Great movie.
My review: https://dfordoom-movieramblings.blogspot.com/2022/02/purple-noon-1960.html
#PatriciaHighsmith #frenchcinema #cultmovies #reneclement #AlainDelon #FilmMastodon
#patriciahighsmith #frenchcinema #cultmovies #reneclement #alaindelon #FilmMastodon