I think I’m going to need to purposely read this book slowly. It’s so my jam, mixing meta comments about Greek/Latin grammar and crossing the barrier between fiction and nonfiction while being written very poetically. Sort of like a cross between #AnneCarson, #ReneeGladman, and a class on feminist art/literature. #bookstodon
#bookstodon #reneegladman #AnneCarson
I've never met anyone that has the same taste in books as me, so let me know if you're a kindred spirit! #bookstodon
Top authors: #AnneCarson, #AzareenVanDerVlietOloomi, #DenisJohnson, #ReneeGladman, #MarciaDouglas, #RodrigoFresán, #DionneBrand, #MarkZDanielewski, #HalldórLaxness, #BenLerner
Top books: M. Douglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread; H. Hesse, Glass Bead Game; I. Calvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler; D. Brand, The Blue Clerk; N. Gaiman, American Gods
#benlerner #halldorlaxness #markzdanielewski #dionnebrand #rodrigofresan #marciadouglas #reneegladman #denisjohnson #azareenvandervlietoloomi #AnneCarson #bookstodon
@DXMacGuffin Ooo! Okay, top 5 of last 5 years:
#MarciaDouglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread
#ItaloCalvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler
#ReneeGladman, Ravicka series (this is 4 books, but they're all super short)
#AzareenVanDerVlietOloomi, Call Me Zebra
#DionneBrand, The Blue Clerk
#marciadouglas #italocalvino #reneegladman #azareenvandervlietoloomi #dionnebrand
@ChrisCPS @bookstodon Okay, my potential top 7 for #bookstodon, with honourable mentions in another post:
#HermannHesse, Glass Bead Game
#WernerHerzog, Conquest of the Useless
#MarciaDouglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread
#ItaloCalvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler
#ReneeGladman, Ravicka series
#HalldórLaxness, Under the Glacier
#NickCave, The Sick Bag Song
#bookstodon #HermannHesse #WernerHerzog #marciadouglas #italocalvino #reneegladman #halldorlaxness #nickcave
Mastodon lists seem to be in 7s, so my top 7 books of 2022 are:
#PatrickMcCabe - Poguemahone
#OlgaTokarczuk - The Books of Jacob (translation)
#JohnElizabethStintzi - My Volcano
#JohnDarnielle - Devil House
#RodrigoFresán - The Remembered Part (translation)
#MiekoKawakami - All the Lovers in the Night (translation)
#ReneeGladman - Plans for Sentences
#patrickmccabe #OlgaTokarczuk #johnelizabethstintzi #johndarnielle #rodrigofresan #miekokawakami #reneegladman #bookstodon
And fave authors as hashtags: #AnneCarson #AzareenVanderVlietOloomi #DenisJohnson #ReneeGladman #MarciaDouglas #RodrigoFresán #DionneBrand #MarkZDanielewski #HalldórLaxness #BenLerner #bookstodon
#AnneCarson #azareenvandervlietoloomi #denisjohnson #reneegladman #marciadouglas #rodrigofresan #dionnebrand #markzdanielewski #halldorlaxness #benlerner #bookstodon
a selection of faves and the book that hooked me:
Nicholas Mosley (Hopeful Monsters)
Renee Gladman (Plans for Sentences)
NK Jemisin (The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms)
Patti Smith (Devotion)
Rebecca Solnit (Hope in the Dark)
César Aira (The Divorce)
Lucy Ellmann (Ducks, Newburyport)
#nicholasmosley #reneegladman #nkjemisin #pattismith #rebeccasolnit #cesaraira #lucyellmann