#RPGaDAY2023 Day One: first game played.
This year, #GIJoe from #RenegadeGameStudios . The rules do a good job of emulating a 1980s action cartoon.
First game played ever, red box D&D.
#rpgaday2023 #gijoe #renegadegamestudios #rpg #ttrpg #Essence20 #DnD
Seems like #RenegadeGameStudios are discouraging discussions of the #Hasbro / #WotC #OGL debacle on their Discord server.
They've not made any sort of announcement about it, or discussions on the subject, but the one time I mention that I expect any news relating to the Hasbro-licensed games they publish to be terrible, since that is relevant to Renegade, and what they're doing, a Community Champion tells me "They don't really want that topic to be discussed here, just so you know".
#renegadegamestudios #hasbro #wotc #ogl
Show me your Pax Unplugged shopping list! Here's mine in no particular order:
#HomeworldRevelationRPG - #Modiphius
#FalloutRPG - Modiphius
#HunterTheReckoning - #renegadegamestudios
#StarfinderRPG - Galactic Magic - Paizo
#StarfinderRPG - Drift Crisis - Paizo
#StarfinderRPG - Interstellar Species - #paizo
#deltagreenrpg - #arcdreampublishing
#ExpanseRPG - Ships of the Expanse - #GreenRoninPublishing
#eclipsephase - Second Edition
#bladesinthedark - #EvilHatProductions
#homeworldrevelationrpg #Modiphius #FalloutRPG #HunterTheReckoning #renegadegamestudios #StarfinderRPG #paizo #deltagreenrpg #arcdreampublishing #ExpanseRPG #greenroninpublishing #eclipsephase #bladesinthedark #EvilHatProductions
Went through an intellectual exercise tonight, building a character for #RenegadeGameStudios' #Transformers #TTRPG. Took me a while, but I finally realized: there are NO MECHANICS for character advancement.
It talks about all the stuff you get at higher levels, but other than one throwaway comment of "As you go on missions, your characters will hit milestones that will advance them to higher levels," there's no discussion of how that happens. At all. For players OR GMs.
W. T. Autobot. F??
#renegadegamestudios #transformers #ttrpg
Today's Heroforge shot: Hussar, my Polish-American mech infantry for the GI Joe RPG. She's the one with "Drive me closer, I want to hit them with my sword" on her file card.
(Also free to any good GI Joe campaigns. I'll make room on the schedule, the game looks fun!) #gijoe #renegadegamestudios
Nice wander about Manchester before #Grogmeet2022 kicks off. Popped in Travelling Man and Fanboy3 to pick up the only #VtM 5e stuff I don't have. I'm impressed with the quality from #renegadegamestudios
#Grogmeet2022 #vtm #renegadegamestudios
It’s Black Hole Week, and I found a few black holes on my game shelf. Here’s the rundown of real black hole findings that the Stellar black hole cards remind me of.
#BlackHoleWeek #Stellar #StellarCardGame #RenegadeGameStudios #ScienceAndGames #SciComms
#blackholeweek #stellar #StellarCardGame #renegadegamestudios #ScienceAndGames #SciComms