Some Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn comps I just got. A good looking book if I do say so myself!
Also, if you’re in the NJ area, be sure to come out to Garden State Comic Fest’s Winter Fest this weekend at the Sussex County Fair Grounds in Augusta! It’s going to be a fun time!
#thequestion #renemontoya #lazarusplanet #dccomics #gardenstateconicfest #comics #gscf
#thequestion #renemontoya #lazarusplanet #dccomics #gardenstateconicfest #comics #gscf
#LetsPlay #GothamKnights - Part 25
In which, after fighting our way out of a #CourtofOwls' death trap, we finally succeed on that one stealth mission and make alliances with #ThePenguin and #ReneMontoya.
#letsplay #GothamKnights #courtofowls #thepenguin #renemontoya