RT @EuroheatPower@twitter.com
#Renewableheat is expected to grow by over 1/3 by 2027. Even so, #Districtheating #decarbonisation potential remains untapped🤔
We need more action💪to achieve #Climateneutrality by 2050 & #cleanheat plays a🗝️role!
Read more on the latest @iea@twitter.com report👇
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EuroheatPower/status/1617578789931974661
#renewableheat #districtheating #decarbonisation #climateneutrality #cleanheat
RT @EuroheatPower@twitter.com
#RenewableHeat, the "forgotten giant" 🧐
The latest @Carbone4@twitter.com study shows the current strong reliance of heating on fossil fuels & reveals the potential of #renewable alternatives to rapidly and efficiently decarbonize the #EUheatingsystems🌿
Read more👉http://bit.ly/3Wjgcg6
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EuroheatPower/status/1615729852455309314
#renewableheat #renewable #euheatingsystems