How the EU’s revised renewables directive facilitates hydrogen market ramp-up #hydrogen #RenewableEnergyDirective #renewablehydrogen #RFNBOs
#hydrogen #renewableenergydirective #renewablehydrogen #rfnbos
We have to admit all techs will be needed, we will definitely need #hydrogen. Long term strategy should focus on #renewablehydrogen which will make us independent from foreign fuels and I welcome #REPowerEU which will give us a step towards EU resilience
#hydrogen #renewablehydrogen #RepowerEU
News from Egypt and Kenya: green hydrogen to solve fuel + food issues all at once
#African #Africa #Egypt #Kenya #agriculture #agricultura #greenhydrogen #hydrogeneconomy #SDG7 #sustainabledevelopment #Sustainability #energy #electricity #renewableenergy #Wind #solar #GreenEnergy #greeneconomy #greenfinance #greenfuture #renewablehydrogen #food
#food #renewablehydrogen #greenfuture #greenfinance #greeneconomy #greenenergy #solar #wind #renewableenergy #electricity #energy #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #sdg7 #hydrogeneconomy #GreenHydrogen #agricultura #agriculture #kenya #egypt #africa #african
So, a further #Introduction: I live in beautiful Hervey Bay, Qld. I am passionate about #ClimateChange, the #Environment and the #NDIS. I have joined the #AustralianGreens and #QueenslandGreens as a founding member and Treasurer of the Wide Bay / Burnett branch. I follow the #CarltonBlues in the #AFL. I have an interest in #Solar power, #RenewableHydrogen and associated technology.
At 67 years old, I have seen and experienced a bit. I have had many occupations over the years including: bookkeeper, #Photographer, IT consultant, #RenewableEnergy consultant, banker and #Drone pilot. I have been employed and self employed. I am a #Union member. Now retired, I am getting back into photography especially using my drone.
I look forward to reading and sharing views with like minded people but also prepared to explore the ideas of others.
#introduction #climatechange #environment #NDIS #australiangreens #queenslandgreens #carltonblues #afl #solar #renewablehydrogen #photographer #renewableenergy #drone #union