@cyclops @neurovagrant Who doesn't use #WSL?
That's added with few clicks in the Features Tab...
Also those #Android ROMs that do support #ExFAT have it spechally #licensed for them - that's not a default feature so one cannot assume it's there...
In fact #Microsoft really loves #racketeering and #rentseeking #Android Device Manufacturers...
#rentSeeking #racketeering #Microsoft #licensed #exfat #Android #wsl
@yassie_j That's intentional based off #ValueRemoving #Rentseeking by #CollectingAgencies that pay out as little as 9,0909% [#GEMA] of their revenue to creators...
#Spotify like all #Startups are #unsustainable in the sense of #GrowOrDie schemes...
#growordie #unsustainable #startups #Spotify #gema #collectingagencies #rentSeeking #valueremoving
@TerryHancock @AnnemarieBridy +9001%
Because nowadays #Copyright isn't a "social contract" protecting #creators and their #labour but simply exist as a means for #Corporations to do #RentSeeking...
#rentSeeking #corporations #labour #creators #Copyright
Gibt's irgendwo Leute, die was gegen irre Mieten machen, speziell Indexmiete oder Mietbremsenaushebeln? Hätte da Interesse wie's läuft und ob man was tun kann. #miete #rentSeeking
@ki Dass Mensch #Quellenangabe|n machen muss versteht sich von selbst.
Inwiefern man das autgenerierten Perlmann-Rauschen als "#KI" bezeichnen mag ist fraglich, zumal ich diesem Output keine #Schöpfungshöhe beimessen würde...
Schon jetzt ist #Urheberrecht von #Konzernen qu #Lobbyismus pervertiert worden:
Von einem #Gesellschaftsvertrag zu einem #ValueRemoving #RentSeeking jener #Rechteverwerter!
#Rechteverwerter #rentSeeking #valueremoving #Gesellschaftsvertrag #lobbyismus #konzernen #Urheberrecht #schopfungshohe #ki #sourcesordidnthappen #Quellenangabe
"This is the urinary tract infection business model: without digitization, all your car's value flowed in a healthy stream. But once the car-makers add semiconductors, each one of those features comes out in a painful, burning dribble, with every button on that fakakta touchscreen wired directly into your credit-card."
#Cars #enshittification #technofeudalism #capitalism #rentSeeking
#cars #enshittification #technofeudalism #capitalism #rentSeeking
@aral at this point basically all my projects are stalling due to lack of funding...
And since #NUCbook and other projects go against #SurveillanceCapitalism, #PlannedObsolescence and/or other #Rentseeking they won't get funded.
#rentSeeking #plannedobsolescence #SurveillanceCapitalism #nucbook
@AndrewMurphie @manjusrii well, #LinkTax doesn't provide any value to the consumer, but only #RentSeeking for already big outlets.
Jist like small #artists don't benefit from #CollectingAgencies demanding royalties, but big record labels do.
#collectingagencies #artists #rentSeeking #linktax
@manjusrii In fact, #CollectingAgencies' wanting to do #rentseeking instead of #DMCA'ing content is the reason why two domestic #YouTube alternatives in #Germany basically died despite having once higher market share in 2007:
#MyVideo and #ClipFish...
#clipfish #myvideo #Germany #YouTube #DMCA #rentSeeking #collectingagencies
@manjusrii #BULLSHIT!
#LinkTax only serves as #RentSeeking by big media corporations and doesn't improve #journalism at all!
It's like with any commercially licensed content:
If I - like #ALDI - don't want to pay €€€€ in music #licensing fees, I can jist chpose not to play any music at all or evidently only play music not covered by collection agencies.
It's that simple!
Likewise #ESPN did block #ISPs in the U.S. that don't pay their #racketteering fees for accessing.
#racketteering #isps #espn #licensing #Aldi #journalism #rentSeeking #linktax #bullshit
@ariegoldshlager maybe because #Copyright as a system is brolen AND because due to #OCILLA & #DMCA they don't have to but only comply with #takedown-notices...
Not gonna defend #Twitter, but the #Copyrightmafia only cares about #rentseeking via #CollectingAgencies...
#collectingagencies #rentSeeking #copyrightmafia #Twitter #takedown #DMCA #ocilla #Copyright
@q Which reminds me how fucked up and fundamentally broken #SSL is and that the entire #RentSeeking businesses of #CA's must be abolished.
Instead of @letsencrypt, we should've pushed for #CAcert since the latter one actually does #DueDiligence and is harder to penetrate or even abuse than getting an EV-SSL - cert fraudulently via #SocialHacking...
#socialhacking #duediligence #cacert #ca #rentSeeking #ssl
@miah I know that in the #UsedLicense|s - Market, which is #legal in #Germany - old #OneTimePurchase #Eagle and #CS6 licenses are still holding value if not increase in price even above the original.
Espechally since #Autodesk and #Adobe killed said licenses as pure retaliation against the courts ruling that they've to accept #UsedSales without any compensation (aka. #rentseeking) - just like with physical appliances!
#rentSeeking #usedsales #adobe #autodesk #cs6 #Eagle #onetimepurchase #Germany #legal #usedlicense
(2/2)… we disolved State Govts entirely?
Eg. the UK don't have state govts.
Could #localCouncils manage #townPlanning as a #federation.
StateGovt functions can likely be replaced by Committees of a greater number of national MPs.
State Govt have become corrupted, engaging in #rentSeeking and known to take #politicalDonations from #realEstate and #propertyDeveloper groups through #SuperPac's like the #PropertyCouncil.
What do you think? Are State Govts replaceable?
#localCouncils #townPlanning #federation #rentSeeking #politicalDonations #realestate #propertyDeveloper #superpac #PropertyCouncil #auspol
@digiges #Leistungsschutzrecht ist nichts anderes als #Copyrightmafia - #Rentseeking und gehört verboten!
#rentSeeking #copyrightmafia #leistungsschutzrecht
@littletranspunk #OferdraftFees are just a form of #RentSeeking and #PoorTax, so that evens out--- yes...
#poortax #rentSeeking #oferdraftfees
@atomicpoet @rberger Both should've never existed in the first place.
#Silverlight - like #Flash - deservedly died as all #proprietary #rentseeking technology should!
I sincerely hope proprietary shit like #MAPI & #OOXML will soon die out with #Win32 / #Win64 / #WinRT APIs.
Because the only sustainable tech is FLOSS...
#WinRT #win64 #win32 #ooxml #mapi #rentSeeking #proprietary #flash #silverlight
I really hope @Raspberry_Pi get their #shortage fixed by Q3/2023...
After all, it not only pains them and the entire ecosystem that there ain't enogh #RaspberrPi's or #ComputeModules, but aside from #ValueRemoving & #RentSeeking #Scalpers, noome wins.
#scalpers #rentSeeking #valueremoving #computemodules #raspberrpi #shortage
@VeryBadLlama Energy Companies and other #rentseeking profiteers that are driven solely by #greed!
This is a heartbreaking story about someone caught in the system and someone else flouting it.
#landlords #tenants #tenantsrights #rentSeeking
#landlords #tenants #tenantsrights #rentSeeking