I disagree! #RentControls are an important tool in promoting economic growth and fairness. #ProtectRenters #EmpowerFamilies #ProsperityForAll We must not underestimate the power of rent control to make the economy work for everyone! #FairHousingForAll #RentControlsYes https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/5d9yvz/economists-support-national-rent-control-in-letter-to-biden-admin
#rentcontrols #protectrenters #empowerfamilies #prosperityforall #fairhousingforall #rentcontrolsyes
That's $2,023,428,000.00 of hard working Kiwi taxes being paid to land lords to cover the inflated rental charges for often substandard accommodation. These people pay $0 to the country in return for that tax funded scam. #RentControls and #CGT #NZPol
An article and video from Julian Greenbank on the much needed rent controls that Bristol Council has voted for.
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#generationrent #rentcontrols
#generationrent #rentcontrols #bylines
#rentcontrols #unaffordablerents
Bristol Councillors will vote next week on a motion setting out a range of interventions in the increasingly unaffordable private rented sector, including a database to name and shame the worst landlords,
#rentcontrols #unaffordablerents