So wait, let me get this right. Creatures have been roaming the planet for millions of years, thousands of years ago humans come along, and around three hundred years ago capitalism kicks in with its "endless growth" and "endless extraction" bullshit and already the planet is wrecked, there's climate chaos, and we're experiencing our hottest years ever and people are getting burns from touching the fucking pavement, and the capitalist class and their spokespeople in power don't give a shit because they're confident they and theirs will hold out on resources way longer than the rest of us, at the barrel of a gun if they have to, since there'll be enough desperate fools to accept scraps to keep protecting them from us. And in the meantime they'll continue to promote the same old filthy industries and agriculture, de-fund public transit, buy up social media to openly and proudly promote misinformation, and use their state and corporate media hierarchies to ensure ignorance towards the climate emergency like they have the ongoing pandemic, or just keep pushing back already-laughable environmental "targets" while they keep laughing at us, extracting resources and profits, filling their coffers, fucking the planet, and introducing sweeping surveillance and protest bans, to the point where someone like me, even with my privileges, will end up in prison just for existing or for anarchist thought; someone who never did shit to anyone, just dared to engage in (shock!) noncompliance in their wretched little system, doing no harm and taking no shit. Take care of one another! Organise! We can't aid and abet these policymaking mass murderers in sharp suits. We can't lose our humanity. After all, *humanity* never *was* compatible with capitalism. #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #CapitalismIsADeathCult #Capitalism #anarchism #solidarity #organise #unionise #unions #RentersUnion #RentersRights #TransRights #LGBTQ #RefugeesWelcome #WeAreThe99Percent #ACAB #Abolition #FuckCars #PublicTransit #community #urbanism
#globalwarming #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #capitalismIsADeathCult #capitalism #anarchism #solidarity #organise #unionise #Unions #rentersunion #rentersrights #transrights #lgbtq #refugeeswelcome #wearethe99percent #acab #Abolition #fuckcars #publictransit #Community #urbanism
It's time for a fresh #Introduction with more folks coming into the #Fediverse! Welcome; do make yourself at home. Oh, me? I’m a #queer #punk #DIY media activist with a twenty year history of writing for #newspapers, #zines, and websites, as well as guerrilla #documentary all with a focus on #SocialJustice, holding screenings and running other events and initiatives in different parts of the world. I'm an unpaid carer for a partner with #LongCovid and we live together in #SocialHousing in #Sheffield, UK. I'm a member of #Acorn #RentersUnion as well as the #IWW. I continue to write while working in #DigitalMedia and #technology for #NonProfit organisations, but still live in poverty and my principle of "do no harm, take no shit" has cost me many connections and opportunities for income over the years, so suffice to say I welcome work offers, especially for worthwhile causes, as well as tips! For more info and links, check my profile. Thanks for reading!
#Introduction #fediverse #queer #punk #DIY #Newspapers #zines #documentary #socialjustice #LongCovid #socialhousing #sheffield #acorn #rentersunion #IWW #digitalmedia #technology #nonprofit
Form Tenant Unions.
Rent's too high, for some? Everyone refuses to pay the landlords until the everyone has affordable rent.
Housing not being maintained properly? Stop paying until they fix it. Landlord wants to evict someone? A thousand protestors show up. If you're already paying $1500 a month for rent, why not give $50 or $100 in union dues? Might get your rent down to $400 where it should be.
#RentersUnion #TenantUnion #AntiCapitalism #Union #Socialism #Antifascism
#rentersunion #tenantunion #anticapitalism #union #socialism #antifascism