You may have thought #HolidayInn was a #hotel company... think again:
Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG) who own HI & Crown Plaza brands actually own less than 1% of the hotels so branded... another third are run on service contracts for investors; the rest are franchises.
IHG is essentially a brand manager, with some service contracts, but for the most part is benefiting from the rent on the Holiday Inn brand & fees for using centralised booking services...
an everyday story of #rentiers?
Whatever went on at #BritishVolt, the UK's lack of projected #battery capacity says something about our continuing failure to organise in sectors that involve anything other than opportunities for #rentiers (some would argue BritishVolt's problems stem from its existence as a farm for taxpayer support)... we need to invest in the future not in our elites' pleasures & profits
#britishvolt #battery #rentiers #electriccar #greentransport #GreenEnergy
#Rentiers to the rescue!
#UK #Tory government, a bunch of Small State #Britannia_Unchained #Neoliberal braindead idiots, has no idea how to help #Ukranian #refugees so is off-shoring and out-sourcing the problem to private enterprise.
Rent-a-room to a random refugee for £350 p.c.m.
#Farmers needing people to pick potatoes are showing an interest. Run-down filthy caravan available with therapeutic outdoor exercise.
Ching! Ching!
Fucking Tories are indeed "lower than vermin".
#farmers #refugees #ukranian #neoliberal #Britannia_Unchained #tory #uk #rentiers