@tarnkappeinfo #CloudFlare ist IMHO nen #RogueISP und auch nichts anderes als #ValueRemoving #RentSeeker und effektiv legales #Schutzgeld-Business...
#Schutzgeld #rentseeker #valueremoving #RogueISP #CloudFlare
@anneroth @bkastl so oder so sehe ich solchen shice als problematisch an.
Wenns nach mir ginge würde mensch einfach nen #Pubkey hinterlegen und könnte dann den dazugehörigen Private Key für digitale Signaturen nutzen,,,
Nur ist das nicht gewollt, sondern stattdessen eine Industrie an #ValueRemoving #RentSeeker|n aka. #Durchlauferhitzer die für so'n Schrott Geld wollen....
#Durchlauferhitzer #rentseeker #valueremoving #pubkey
@TheDoctor512 ja, aber auch nur weil in der korrupten Politik Leute an der shice verdienen wollen...
Ich sag' nur die ganzen #DigitalSnakeoil-Verkäufer aka. Dritthersteller-#Antivirus und sonstige #Rentseeker...
#rentseeker #antivirus #digitalsnakeoil
@niconiconi whoever dreamed up the concept of #SaaSaaS is just a #ValueRemoving #rentseeker and should be stoned with #retail boxes of One-Time-Purchase Versions of #MicrosoftOffice and #Windows versions that occupy storage spaces in corporations in case some asshole wants to "audit licenses"...
#Windows #microsoftoffice #retail #rentseeker #valueremoving #saasaas
@ddayen that's intentional.
All monopolies [and all #GAFAM|s] act as #ValueRemoving #rentseeker|s...
#rentseeker #valueremoving #gafam
En weer redt de #eu ons van de #rentseeker #rutte die ons onbeperkt wil laten uitzuigen door de markt
They are posting an image.
This means they are not using Tor while using the #Cloudflare #honeypot.
They might soon be mysteriously caught in their hobby of challenging the #rentseeker class.
#cloudflare #honeypot #rentseeker
Maybe the worst example of DisasterCapitalism involves paying #rentseeker #slumlords and #propertyDevelopers millions to use their deserted, #highriseHellholes as #hotelQuarantine (or glorified #prisons).
And we're sure at some point these people will be put to work to click on #advertising soon to get free #quarantine. We could call it #reeducationHotels or #concentrationHotels.
The #DisasterCorporatism needs to stop.
#rentseeker #slumlords #propertyDevelopers #highriseHellholes #hotelQuarantine #prisons #advertising #quarantine #reeducationHotels #concentrationHotels #disasterCorporatism
@dredmorbius @strypey
What the small operator can do is share his story about the #landlord. Tarnish their name.
This can be done anonymously. Eg. a who owns X cafe told me Y.
The #rentseeker class can be destroyed now. With the help of #realEstate #lobbyists and the #bourgeoisie they have been #speculating on #propertyPrice increases and perverting #immigration to use their #house as as #atm
We are unapologetic towards these creatures. We hope they lose everything, including #investments.
#landlord #rentseeker #realestate #lobbyists #bourgeoisie #speculating #propertyPrice #immigration #house #atm #investments