On Friday in #Montreal, hundreds took to the streets against #Bill31, which would make changes to leases, eviction procedures and beyond. Photos from the Montreal Autonomous Tenant's Union, which is also organizing a rent strike. #RentStrike
Recently renovated "luxury apartments" in Putnam contain lead and mold, and its management evades its tenants and the press. Another certified slumlord ripping of Connecticut residents who have been slammed by a brutal housing market, and lack serious protections. The building's tenant union is fighting back, and residents have been on a rent strike for months.
#slumlord #rentstrike #tenantsunion #putnamct
#slumlord #rentstrike #tenantsunion #putnamct
A #rentstrike in #Toronto is growing! Check out our latest column of @cdntirefire for a roundup of social movements and struggles across so-called #Canada. https://itsgoingdown.org/canadian-tire-fire-61/
#Solidarity with rent strikers at 71,75 & 79 Thorncliffe Park Drive in #Toronto
#rentstrike #toronto #Solidarity
A #rentstrike in #Toronto is growing! Check out our latest column of Canadian Tire Fire for a roundup of social movements and struggles across so-called #Canada. https://itsgoingdown.org/canadian-tire-fire-61/
Hey look at this
* #Toronto Tenants Are Uniting in a Mass #RentStrike https://jacobin.com/2023/06/toronto-tenants-union-rent-strike-corporate-landlords-housing-crisis/
* France legalizes remotely turning on the camera or microphone of smartphones in criminal investigations https://www-francetvinfo-fr.translate.goog/societe/justice/le-senat-donne-son-feu-vert-a-l-activation-a-distance-des-cameras-ou-micros-des-telephones_5875187.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp (h/t Cooper)
"Communities created by unhoused people can be places for revolutionary dreaming, rad mutual aid projects, and sites to mobilize political resistance to the criminalization of extreme poverty. Government-run encampments take away what can be empowering about living in an encampment by turning the encampment into a “service.” The institutionalization of encampments reinforces the carceral logic that unhoused people and poor people can only legally exist within a system that is designed to reform them, even if the only difference between being in the system and on the streets is whether it’s your tent or a tent issued by the city. Institutionalization also completely alienates the sense of community that characterizes most encampments on the streets; since the advent of contemporary homelessness in the early 80’s, people have banded together in community with friends and allies to protect themselves, their belongings, and each other. It is a natural form of survival and togetherness in lives that are way too often dangerous and incredibly isolated."
#Homeless #Houseless #RentStrike #RightToRest #RightToExist #HousingJustice #MutualAid
#homeless #houseless #rentstrike #RightToRest #righttoexist #housingjustice #MutualAid
These outrageous acts of socioeconomic cleansing (see thread linked below) give the lie to all the mendacious claims that evictions of poor people’s encampments are about public health, safety, or “environmental impacts”. Even those that are exemplary models of minimizing those impacts are being evicted all over the country to appease landlords and upper-middle-income gentrifiers who have many times more detrimental effects on the local community and global ecology.
This is not about public safety, the environment, or even “quality of life”. It’s about maintaining extortionate housing prices and propping up the system of rentier capitalism by comprehensively criminalizing the mere act of existing anywhere, in any way whatsoever, without paying the banks and landlords their monthly pounds of flesh and engaging in the consumer economy at a level that the wealthy consider “respectable”.
There is simply no conceivable moral justification for this legalized neo-feudal protection racket, where if you don’t keep making skyrocketing extortion payments every month, the landlord / “property investor” class sends a band of sadistic psychopaths with guns to rob you of your belongings and displace you from your home by violent force.
This is happening practically everywhere and every day across the entire USA. And it’s not going to stop until people of conscience start organizing in large numbers to say, “No more! We won’t be forced to pay rent to live on the earth where we were born!” Every time these thugs show up for another round of evictions against the most marginalized people in this country, they need to start finding themselves faced with overwhelming resistance, including support for elements willing to engage in vigorous, forceful self-defense if necessary. That’s the only way we’re going to keep these crimes against humanity from continuing to accelerate.
This is, for me, on an equal footing with the climate and ecological emergency as the most urgent domestic problem in the US today, and it is inextricably intertwined with all the others. If we have no right to exist (and no, something we have to purchase is not a right - it’s a commodity), then none of our other rights count for a goddamn thing. This country’s unhoused people are on the front lines of one of the most crucial and urgent social justice struggles of our time, and need a hell of a lot more solidarity than they’re currently getting. Let’s all step up!
#Housing #HousingJustice #SocialHousing #Homeless #Houseless #Unhoused #RentStrike #RightToExist #PropertyIsTheft #Capitalism #SimpleLiving #Police #Minneapolis #Minnesota
#housing #housingjustice #socialhousing #homeless #houseless #unhoused #rentstrike #righttoexist #propertyistheft #capitalism #simpleliving #police #minneapolis #minnesota
And forget going on #RentStrike or #DebtStrike. Your rent and debt payments will be taken directly out of your #UBI account. As will your deposit and any eviction and cleaning fees. You'll have to give up your UBI entirely to even think about fighting back. As will anyone you want to try to convince to support you.
As they say, you can't get blood out of a rock. UBI makes it so nobody's a rock anymore. We'll be getting paid to keep us under control. And that will become an incentive to the owners to help keep us under control, so they can milk our UBI accounts.
2021 U.S. pressing
“The Eye” splatter vinyl
Choosing to end my night with THIS.
A masterful folk-punk concept album that takes the story structure of Lord Of The Rings, but applies it to a story about drug addiction.
John Warmb is a remarkably talented dude.
#vinyl #vinylrecords #folk #folkpunk #punk #rentstrike
#vinyl #vinylrecords #folk #folkpunk #punk #rentstrike
The US does not have a housing shortage, we have a surplus of landlords.
#landlords #housing4all #rentstrike
falls Ganz-Berlin-hasst-Frenziska-Giffey im Amt bleiben wird, ich werde fragen:
Berlin, are you ready for rent strike?
#rentstrike #giffey #berlinwahl
@haq @northfolk
#righttoroam #right2roam #countrysidecommons #trespass #squatters #spacepirates #squat #landback #taz #alwayswillbe #land #landworkers #landaccess #commons #landlords #paytherent #rentstrike
#RightToRoam #Right2Roam #countrysidecommons #trespass #squatters #spacepirates #squat #landback #taz #alwayswillbe #land #landworkers #landaccess #commons #landlords #PayTheRent #rentstrike
We need new forms of actions.
Like all occupations actual there is a big violently eviction in a village called Lützerath in the so called Germany. For coal and mainly for the big money of a concern.
In solidarity and full of gratitude with the people giving their blood and liftime for this fight.
But to be honest.
There is going a lot of activist energy going into this fights.
And in the end there is not a real chance to fight against armed armees of assholes, chased by money, greed and wealth. And a state monopol of violence at their back.
But what if we take them their backbone?
How could our resistance get more creative and more effektive?
How can we pierce them to their hearts?
Right, at the money.
Stop giving them your money.
They pay these armys by your workforce, by your taxes, by your debts/interests (…) and by your rents.
If we manage, to cancel all these shit all together nearly at the same time and forever?
What do you think will happen?
Do you think they can evict so many people from their flats, when we are all in solidarity with the occupiers?
Do you think they can build up so many prisons, to imprison all people stop paying their debts?
Do you want to play this game forever?
Imagine you an nobady got debts. You habe to pay a rent. You don't pay the taxes.
How much more money and freedom do you have than?
Imagine all neighbours are in solidarity, if they want to evict one of us and every time many cops have to come.
Yes they can't handle that. They are not enough.
Everybody is affected from this capital system.
So we should be many and we have to be in solidarity.
Supportstructures, decentral/local organisation, support for discriminated, for the weak, for those who are in fear, for young and old people (…), for All.
Destroy powerful positions.
Participation, decentral/local for ALL
The earth belong to all of us and herself.
And not to those, which already have enough and the control of the armys.
#Lutzerath shows us, how it shuld looks everywhere.
Don't pay anymore. Prepare and wait for good moments.
#dontpay #debtstrike #taxstrike #rentstrike #landstrike #landback #occupy #propertyistheft #fuckthesystem #fuckthecistem #anarchy #acab #noborder #nonation
#Lutzerath #dontpay #debtstrike #taxstrike #rentstrike #landstrike #landback #occupy #propertyistheft #fuckthesystem #fuckTheCistem #anarchy #acab #noborder #nonation
Deutsch unten
In solidarity with all rentstrikers!
Small rentstrike at a university in Manchester/UK.
But why so afraid with the claims?
Why not striking the complete rent and why not forever?
#rentstrike #manchester #landback #noproperty #property #propertyistheft
In Solidarität mit allen Mietstreikenden!
Hier ein kleiner Mietstrike in Manchester.
Aber warum so zögerlich?
Warum nicht die ganze Miete bestreiken und warum nicht für immer?
#rentstrike #manchester #landback #noproperty #Property #propertyistheft #Mietstreik #EigentumIstDiebstahl #hauserdenendiedrinwohnen
Deutsch weiter unten
It is important, meaningful and correct to squat flats, houses and land.
Above all in times of poverty, distress, and hunger there should be free accommodations for Ⓐall people.
But it is not enough, if only a few people are doing this.
Therefor it needs a mass movement, which resist the power of banks and the class of proprietors.
Their weapon are just cops and evictions and they are less that it looks like.
Build local structures of solidarity. Be ready. Squat (your) flats, houses and land, what you really need for life.
Take back, what should be everyones property!
#debtstrike #rentstrike #landstrike #landback #squat #occupy #noproperty #propertyistheft #anarchy
Es ist wichtig, sinnvoll und richtig Wohnungen, Häuser und Land zu besetzen.
Vor allem in Zeiten von Armut, Not, Elend and Hunger muss es kostenlose Unterkünfte für Ⓐlle Menschen geben.
Allerdings reicht es nicht, wenn dies nur ein paar Wenige tun. Es braucht hierfür eine globale Massenbewegung, die sich der Macht der Herrschenden Klasse der Banken und Eigentümer*innen widersetzt.
Ihr Waffe sind nur Cops und Zwangsräumungen und sie sind viel weniger, als es aussieht.
Schafft solidarische Strukturen, seid bereit, besetzt (eure) Wohnungen, Häuser und Land welches ihr für euer Leben braucht.
Nehmt euch zurück, was allen gehören sollte.
#schuldenstreik #mietstreik #landstreik #besetzen #besetzung #keineigentum #eigentumistdiebstahl #anarchie
#debtstrike #rentstrike #landstrike #landback #squat #occupy #noproperty #propertyistheft #anarchy #schuldenstreik #Mietstreik #landstreik #besetzen #Besetzung #keineigentum #EigentumIstDiebstahl #anarchie
german below
A realistic way to anarchy(?)
There is no need of much intelligence to recognize, that our current capitalistic-patriarchal system, with all its invented #borders and #nations led us in a deadlock of self-destruction, poverty, sorrow and oppression.
A big revolution certainly can't work, if these machanisms of oppression socially go on. Opressed people often become their selves to suppressers.
So it's the task of every human being to respect and defend bodily #autonomy and freedom. As long as this freedom, not restricts the freedom of others.
This means, that we should continuing to look and process actively in our selve at any an all kind of #opression and #discrimination. So that we don't reproduce them and they don't rise again in a post-revolutionary world.
We want us to connect ourselves with opressed beings and their needs, try to learn their view, learn hence and get in solidarity with them.
This means a lot of work at ourself.
To create space and conversations for making participation and self-empowerment possible.
Under normal conditions we work in ourself (in our thoughts and emotions) and in our socioenvironmet for a clear distinction against #sexism #racism #antisemitism #speciesism #heterosexism #transphobia #lookism #ableism #adultism #ageism #nationalism #classism and many more.
To participate in anti-discrimination work. Watch the own privileges. To hold ourseld back in conversations with people with less privileges.
These are in an already opressed society many and priveleged claims. But perhaps we succeed to use our lifetime in a different way. Instead of watching sports events, sometime consume a documentation, a podcast or a book on these themes.
Beside these already revolutionary topics, we shouldn't forget, to work in the proper liberation of the roots of #capitalism and the #state.
These are #property, #dominion, #rivalry and their capitalised halter in the form of #rent and #debts.
And therefor it needs a global and lasting #debtstrike and #rentstrike. And on top we need trades which are free of the logic of exchange. Better known as 'Give what you want'. It's the deprivation of property in an anti-trade style. Better look, what people really need.
We need #collective organised works and projects. That Ⓐll can participate with things they can and want. And that #anarchie really behaves in the absence of obsession and dominion.
It will never be everything perfect, but we Ⓐall can yield our input.
Let us beginn today, to work on that.
The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago.
The next best time is today.
Ein realistischer Weg zur Anarchie (?)
Es braucht nicht viel Intelligenz, um zu erkennen, dass uns das aktuelle kapitalistisch-patriarchale System mit ihren erfundenen Grenzen und Nationalstaaten in eine Sackgasse aus Selbstzerstörung, Armut, Leid und Unterdrückung geführt hat.
Eine große #revolution kann allerdings nicht funktionieren, wenn diese Mechanismen der Unterdrückung gesellschaftlich weiter funktionieren. So werden Unterdrückte oft selbst zu Unterdrücker*innen.
So ist es auch an jede*r Person die körperliche Selbstbestimmung und Freiheit andere*r zu respektieren und zu verteidigen. Solange diese Freiheit nicht die Freiheit andere*r einschränkt.
Das heißt, dass wir sämtliche Unterdrückungs- und Diskriminiersformen weiterhin aktiv anschauen und in uns abarbeiten sollten, um sie in einer post-revolutionären Welt nicht zu reproduzieren und neu entstehen zu lassen.
Wir wollen uns mit anderen unterdrückten Lebensformen und ihren Bedürfnissen verbinden, ihre Sichtweisen versuchen zu verstehen, daraus zu lernen und uns damit zu solidarisieren.
Das bedeutet viel Arbeit an uns selbst.
Räume und Gespräche zu schaffen, um Partizipation und Selbstermächtigung zu ermöglichen.
Der Normalzustand sollte sein, eine klare Abgrenzung gegen #sexismus #rassismus #speziesismus #queerfeindlichkeit #transfeindlichkeit #homofeindlichkeit #lookismus #ableismus #antisemitismus #ageismus #nationalismus #klassismus (u.v.m.) in unseren Gedanken und Emotionen zu schaffen und im persönlichen Umfeld aktiv daran zu arbeiten.
Sich an Arbeit zu #antisdiskriminierung beteiligen. Die eigenen Privilegien anschauen. Sich damit in Gesprächen und Gesprächsrunden auch mal zurück halten. Weniger priviligierten Menschen mehr Raum für deren Ansichten und Bedürfnisse zu schaffen.
Das sind in einer bereits unterdrückten Gesellschaft viele und priviligierte Ansprüche. Aber vielleicht schaffen wir es mal unsere Zeit anders zu nutzen. Anstatt einer Sportveranstaltung, mal eine Doku, ein Podcast oder ein Buch zu den genannten Themen zu konsumieren.
Neben diesen auch schon revolutionären Themen sollten wir aber auch nicht vergessen, an der eigentlichen Befreiung der Wurzeln von #kapitalismus und #staat zu arbeiten.
Diese sind #eigentum , #herrschaft , #konkurrenz und deren kapitalisierte Schlingen in Form von #miete und #schulden.
Und hierzu braucht es einen globalen und dauerhaften #schuldenstopp #schuldenschnitt #schuldenstreik #mietstreik und einen Warenhandel, der #tauschlogikfrei , also ohne die Anerkennung von Eigentum funktioniert.
Wir brauchen #kollektiv organisierte Betriebe und Projekte, so dass Ⓐlle mit einbringen können, was sie können und wollen. Und dass #anarchie auch wirklich in der Abwesenheit von Unterdrückung und Herrschafft funktionieren kann.
Es kann und wird nie alles perfekt sein, aber wir können Ⓐlle unseren Beitrag mit einbringen.
Lasst uns heute damit beginnen, daran zu arbeiten
Der beste Zeitpunkt, um einen Baum zu pflanzen war vor 30 Jahren.
Der nächst beste Zeitpunkt ist heute.
#borders #nations #Autonomy #opression #discrimination #sexism #racism #antisemitism #speciesism #heterosexism #transphobia #lookism #ableism #adultism #ageism #Nationalism #classism #capitalism #state #Property #Dominion #rivalry #rent #debts #debtstrike #rentstrike #collective #anarchie #Revolution #sexismus #rassismus #speziesismus #Queerfeindlichkeit #transfeindlichkeit #homofeindlichkeit #lookismus #ableismus #antisemitismus #ageismus #nationalismus #klassismus #antisdiskriminierung #kapitalismus #staat #Eigentum #herrschaft #konkurrenz #miete #schulden #schuldenstopp #Schuldenschnitt #schuldenstreik #Mietstreik #tauschlogikfrei #kollektiv
german below
There is no need of much intelligence to recognize, that our current capitalistic-patriarchal system, with all its invented #borders and #nations led us in a deadlock of self-destruction, poverty, sorrow and oppression.
A big revolution certainly can't work, if these machanisms of oppression socially go on. Opressed people often become their selves to suppressers.
So it's the task of every human being to respect and defend bodily #autonomy and freedom. As long as this freedom, not restricts the freedom of others.
This means, that we should continuing to look and process actively in our selve at any an all kind of #opression and #discrimination. So that we don't reproduce them and they don't rise again in a post-revolutionary world.
We want us to connect ourselves with opressed beings and their needs, try to learn their view, learn hence and get in solidarity with them.
This means a lot of work at ourself.
To create space and conversations for making participation and self-empowerment possible.
Under normal conditions we work in ourself (in our thoughts and emotions) and in our socioenvironmet for a clear distinction against #sexism #racism #antisemitism #speciesism #heterosexism #transphobia #lookism #ableism #adultism #ageism #nationalism #classism and many more.
To participate in anti-discrimination work. Watch the own privileges. To hold ourseld back in conversations with people with less privileges.
These are in an already opressed society many and priveleged claims. But perhaps we succeed to use our lifetime in a different way. Instead of watching sports events, sometime consume a documentation, a podcast or a book on these themes.
Beside these already revolutionary topics, we shouldn't forget, to work in the proper liberation of the roots of #capitalism and the #state.
These are #property, #dominion, #rivalry and their capitalised halter in the form of #rent and #debts.
And therefor it needs a global and lasting #debtstrike and #rentstrike. And on top we need trades which are free of the logic of exchange. Better known as 'Give what you want'. It's the deprivation of property in an anti-trade style. Better look, what people really need.
We need #collective organised works and projects. That Ⓐll can participate with things they can and want. And that #anarchie really behaves in the absence of obsession and dominion.
It will never be everything perfect, but we Ⓐall can yield our input.
Let us beginn today, to work on that.
The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago.
The next best time is today.
Es braucht nicht viel Intelligenz, um zu erkennen, dass uns das aktuelle kapitalistisch-patriarchale System mit ihren erfundenen Grenzen und Nationalstaaten in eine Sackgasse aus Selbstzerstörung, Armut, Leid und Unterdrückung geführt hat.
Eine große #revolution kann allerdings nicht funktionieren, wenn diese Mechanismen der Unterdrückung gesellschaftlich weiter funktionieren. So werden Unterdrückte oft selbst zu Unterdrücker*innen.
So ist es auch an jede*r Person die körperliche Selbstbestimmung und Freiheit andere*r zu respektieren und zu verteidigen. Solange diese Freiheit nicht die Freiheit andere*r einschränkt.
Das heißt, dass wir sämtliche Unterdrückungs- und Diskriminiersformen weiterhin aktiv anschauen und in uns abarbeiten sollten, um sie in einer post-revolutionären Welt nicht zu reproduzieren und neu entstehen zu lassen.
Wir wollen uns mit anderen unterdrückten Lebensformen und ihren Bedürfnissen verbinden, ihre Sichtweisen versuchen zu verstehen, daraus zu lernen und uns damit zu solidarisieren.
Das bedeutet viel Arbeit an uns selbst.
Räume und Gespräche zu schaffen, um Partizipation und Selbstermächtigung zu ermöglichen.
Der Normalzustand sollte sein, eine klare Abgrenzung gegen #sexismus #rassismus #speziesismus #queerfeindlichkeit #transfeindlichkeit #homofeindlichkeit #lookismus #ableismus #antisemitismus #ageismus #nationalismus #klassismus (u.v.m.) in unseren Gedanken und Emotionen zu schaffen und im persönlichen Umfeld aktiv daran zu arbeiten.
Sich an Arbeit zu #antisdiskriminierung beteiligen. Die eigenen Privilegien anschauen. Sich damit in Gesprächen und Gesprächsrunden auch mal zurück halten. Weniger priviligierten Menschen mehr Raum für deren Ansichten und Bedürfnisse zu schaffen.
Das sind in einer bereits unterdrückten Gesellschaft viele und priviligierte Ansprüche. Aber vielleicht schaffen wir es mal unsere Zeit anders zu nutzen. Anstatt einer Sportveranstaltung, mal eine Doku, ein Podcast oder ein Buch zu den genannten Themen zu konsumieren.
Neben diesen auch schon revolutionären Themen sollten wir aber auch nicht vergessen, an der eigentlichen Befreiung der Wurzeln von #kapitalismus und #staat zu arbeiten.
Diese sind #eigentum , #herrschaft , #konkurrenz und deren kapitalisierte Schlingen in Form von #miete und #schulden.
Und hierzu braucht es einen globalen und dauerhaften #schuldenstopp #schuldenschnitt #schuldenstreik #mietstreik und einen Warenhandel, der #tauschlogikfrei , also ohne die Anerkennung von Eigentum funktioniert.
Wir brauchen #kollektiv organisierte Betriebe und Projekte, so dass Ⓐlle mit einbringen können, was sie können und wollen. Und dass #anarchie auch wirklich in der Abwesenheit von Unterdrückung und Herrschafft funktionieren kann.
Es kann und wird nie alles perfekt sein, aber wir können Ⓐlle unseren Beitrag mit einbringen.
Lasst uns heute damit beginnen, daran zu arbeiten
Der beste Zeitpunkt, um einen Baum zu pflanzen war vor 30 Jahren.
Der nächst beste Zeitpunkt ist heute.
#borders #nations #Autonomy #opression #discrimination #sexism #racism #antisemitism #speciesism #heterosexism #transphobia #lookism #ableism #adultism #ageism #Nationalism #classism #capitalism #state #Property #Dominion #rivalry #rent #debts #debtstrike #rentstrike #collective #anarchie #Revolution #sexismus #rassismus #speziesismus #Queerfeindlichkeit #transfeindlichkeit #homofeindlichkeit #lookismus #ableismus #antisemitismus #ageismus #nationalismus #klassismus #antisdiskriminierung #kapitalismus #staat #Eigentum #herrschaft #konkurrenz #miete #schulden #schuldenstopp #Schuldenschnitt #schuldenstreik #Mietstreik #tauschlogikfrei #kollektiv