L'ex Presidente #USA e probabile candidato dei #REP Donald #Trump è stato appena incriminato per i fatti del 6 Gennaio 2021, l'assalto al Campidoglio. In particolare è stato accusato di: cospirazione per frodare gli Stati Uniti, per ostacolare un procedimento ufficiale e contro i diritti; ostruzione e tentativo di ostacolo di un procedimento ufficiale
Questa notizia avrà ripercussioni sulla sua candidatura contro Biden nel 2024? Cosa ne pensate?
CDC describing the persistent #Salmonella strain linked to chicken online at long last! #REP #REPJFX01 https://www.cdc.gov/ncezid/dfwed/outbreak-response/rep-strains/repjfx01.html
Toujours plus fort 💪⚛️🌊🌬️
La #Finlande 🇫🇮 a battu son propre record de pourcentage d'électricité bas-carbone du mois de mai 😯
96.4% d'#électricité propre en mai, et maintenant 97.2% pour ce mois de juin !!!
Dont plus de la moitié d'origine #nucléaire, qui a effacé le charbon depuis la mise en service commerciale de l'#EPR d'Olkiluoto.
La Finlande conforte sa place dans le cercle encore trop select des pays à l'électricité à plus de 90% décarbonée.
#OL3, le premier nouveau réacteur nucléaire démarré en Europe depuis plus de 15 ans, a également fait baisser le prix de l'électricité en Finlande de 75%, passé de 246 euros le mégawattheure en décembre à 60.5 euros en avril : https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/energy/2023/05/14/nuclear-power-helps-bring-down-electricity-prices-by-75-in-finland/
#énergie #climat #roadtonetzero #togetherisbetter #nucléaire #nuclear #EPR #REP
#finlande #electricite #nucleaire #epr #OL3 #energie #climat #RoadToNetZero #togetherisbetter #nuclear #rep
Dear president, senator, congress person, news outlet, emergency services agency -
If you're depending on twitter and facebook to communicate with people, you may as well be using Morse code. Your message is not getting through. Every time I look for your contact info and see a link to twitter or facebook, you fall precipitously in my estimation. I'm writing to you on mastodon, even though you don't have an account here because I don't swim in cesspools. #potus #senator #rep #newspaper #OEM
#oem #newspaper #rep #senator #potus
@tillianisafox none are safe.
Check the #rep of the #uploaders and choose wisely...
Good crews wOn't add #malware!
Also do exercice due diligence. #Crack|s & #Keygen|s do get #FUD & #FalseFlag by a lot of 3rd party #Scareware aka. #Antivirus.
#NotLegalAdvice and #NotAnEndorsement OFC but note that in several jurstictions, the author of the software gets the #Copyrights if you use #pirated #toolz in lieu of your #license payments!
#license #Toolz #pirated #copyrights #notanendorsement #notlegaladvice #antivirus #scareware #falseflag #fud #keygen #crack #Malware #uploaders #rep
🖥️+🌎+👶🏼🧒🏽+📚+🎭+🗺️+🖼️et parents entre Grande section et CP 😉
Un superbe projet très ambitieux , très diversifié au service des apprentissages, oral, écrit …
« à découvrir 👉🏿 innovatheque-pub.education.gouv.fr/innovatheque/c…
#PEAC #coeducation #REP+
Former U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman launching a third-party and ironically calls it 'No Labels' to put up "moderate" candidates to challenge #Dem and #Rep candidates, including Biden and his 2024 challenger.
Their potential #POTUS nominees are Sen. Joe #Manchin, D-W.V., Sen. #SusanCollins, R-Maine and former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican. #USPol #2024 #Election #GOP #Democrats #Republicans
Lieberman: ' #NoLabels ' #candidate wouldn't hand 2024 election to #Trump https://www.wcpo.com/lieberman-no-labels-candidate-wouldn-t-hand-2024-election-to-trump
#dem #rep #potus #manchin #susancollins #uspol #election #gop #democrats #republicans #nolabels #candidate #trump
A model comm for https://www.furaffinity.net/user/skiesofsilver of their synth Rep made in vr!
Also check out this HD video of the same model but with a few more effects
I'm getting the hang of openbrush but I'm not sure how to get past sketch quality with these, but maybe that's fine too.
#openbrush #model #synth #rep #banana #female #boobs
ICAO: 50018B
Flt: PJV787 #DWC-#REP
First seen: 2023/04/18 08:25:33
Min Alt: 2756 m MSL
Min Dist: 20.1 km
#planefence #adsb
@AimeeMaroux I *really* tried to use they/them for Loki in 'Children', but it was so very clearly forced that I went with he/she depending on Loki's current "form." So when Loki dresses as Thor's maid, it's "she." I've read a fantasy book a while ago that had "they" crammed in for #diversity #rep etc. SO clearly that I nearly stopped. It read like "oh yes. Almost forgot the diverse thing sells books now. Let's do a search and replace real quick."
In Her First TikTok AOC Says Solution Is Not Ban But Strong Privacy Laws
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"Our first priority should be in protecting your ability to exist without social media companies harvesting and commodifying every single piece of data about you without you and without your consent," the Democrat argues....
#Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez #congress #legislation #protections
#rep #congress #legislation #protections
#GanzheitlicheBetrachtungen des #Produktlebenszyklus ab #Ressourcengewinnung bis zum #Recycling und #Remanufacturing von Produkten
#MOOC #NachhaltigeProduktion" heute abgeschlossen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Wirt. Ing. Nico Hanenkamp (Lehrstuhl für Ressourcen- und Energieeffiziente Produktionsmaschinen [#REP], @FAU)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg F. (Leitung Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Produktionssystematik [#FAPS], #FAU)
OPEN vhb
#ganzheitlichebetrachtungen #produktlebenszyklus #ressourcengewinnung #recycling #remanufacturing #mooc #nachhaltigeproduktion #rep #faps #fau
#Sondaggi #Brasile #Locali #RiodeJaneiro
Sondaggio di Paranà Pesquisa:
Eduardo #Paes (#PSD|Centro): 12%
Marcelo #Crivella (#REP|Destra cattolica): 1%
Marcelo #Freixo (#PT|Centro-sinistra): 1%
Flávio #Bolsonaro (#PL|Destra radicale): 0,5%
#Otoni de Paula (#MDB|Grande tenda di centro): 0,2%
Non so: 71,8%
Nessuno: 12,3%
Altri: 1%
Data rilevazione: 2-5 marzo
#sondaggi #brasile #locali #riodejaneiro #Paes #psd #crivella #rep #freixo #pt #bolsonaro #pl #otoni #MDB
#Sondaggi #Brasile #Locali #RiodeJaneiro
Sondaggio di Paranà Pesquisa:
Eduardo #Paes (#PSD|Centro): 12%
Marcelo #Crivella (#REP|Destra cattolica): 1%
Marcelo #Freixo (#PT|Centro-sinistra): 1%
Flávio #Bolsonaro (#PL|Destra radicale): 0,5%
#Otoni de Paula (MDB|Grande tenda di centro): 0,2%
Non so: 71,8%
Nessuno: 12,3%
Altri: 1%
Data rilevazione: 2-5 marzo
#sondaggi #brasile #locali #riodejaneiro #Paes #psd #crivella #rep #freixo #pt #bolsonaro #pl #otoni
La #Députée soutien la démarche de la #Directrice de l'école Jacques Prévert de #Guéret à rentrer ds le Réseau d'Education Prioritaire #Rep
#Sauvons nos #Écoles et nos #ServicesPublics
Zéro fermetures en #Creuse
#deputee #directrice #gueret #rep #sauvons #ecoles #servicespublics #creuse
Bice’s spy balloon obsession careens into ‘domain awareness gap’ https://freepressokc.com/bices-spy-balloon-obsession-careens-into-domain-awareness-gap/ #ChineseSpyBalloon #Rep.StephanieBice #StephanieBice #Opinion #Bice
#chinesespyballoon #rep #stephaniebice #opinion #bice
I read earlier here that
#Rep.Ritchie Torres and his colleagues are trying to deal with him.
burt's canon was illustrious, so it's impossible to choose a favourite...but i have a proper & abiding fondness for this 1970 rendition of 'look of love' by mireille mathieu & dusty springfield.
#bacharach #burtBacharach #musique #REP #dustySpringfield
#dustyspringfield #rep #musique #burtbacharach #Bacharach