Die einen kloppen sich â›”
#fckPutin #fcknzs ...
einige verbĂĽnden sich â›”
#fcknzs #fckafd ...
viele können nicht 💚
#chronicillness #alleinerziehend ...
unzählig viele vernetzen sich ✅
#lg #umweltschutz #klimaschutz #autokorrektur #kinderschutz #menschenrechte #feminismus #bge #demokratie #essensretter #repaircafe #fff #cleanupday2023 #newwork #nabu #omasgegenrechts #freiwilligefeuerwehr #selbsthilfegruppen #ccc #fediverse ... ... ... ... ... ...
#fediverse #ccc #selbsthilfegruppen #freiwilligefeuerwehr #omasgegenrechts #nabu #newwork #cleanupday2023 #fff #repaircafe #essensretter #demokratie #bge #feminismus #menschenrechte #kinderschutz #autokorrektur #klimaschutz #umweltschutz #lg #alleinerziehend #chronicillness #fckafd #fcknzs #fckPutin
#BoreDa pawb. Bore neis, ar hyn o bryd, ond dwi'n meddwl bydd hi'n boeth iawn eto hwyrach. Dyn ni'n mynd i #GaffiTrwsio Stretford.
#GoodMorning everyone. A nice morning, at the moment, but I think it will be very hot again later. We're going to #RepairCafe Stretford.
#boreda #gaffitrwsio #goodmorning #repaircafe #dysgucymraeg
Identical twins with identical mobile phones and identical expanding batteries at Lambeth Repair Café #London #repair #repaircafe #iPhone
#iPhone #repaircafe #repair #London
Wir haben die Boje kennengelernt. Die gefällt uns. https://die-boje.de #joborientierung #repaircafe #ruhrgebiet
#ruhrgebiet #repaircafe #joborientierung
ok donc au cas où: j'ai trouvé une batterie de rechange pour le thinkpad sur https://www.subtel.be
y a pas mal de modèles différents, et pour un tas d'autres matériel, probablement une bonne réf. pour les #repaircafe
disponible, livraison rapide, c'est du sérieux 👍
Having previously run a #RepairCafe and been manager of the UK’s first high street #LibraryOfThings I’m delighted to see #Apple finally backtrack against their years of lobbying against the #RightToRepair and now back legislation for it!
…One of many things that went right last week (via @PositiveNewsUK): https://www.positive.news/society/good-news-stories-from-week-35-of-2023/ 🤗
#repaircafe #libraryofthings #apple #RightToRepair
@welcomewerkstatt Heute beim #Repaircafe eine liebgewonnene alte Aldi-Fahrradtasche gerettet. #3D-Druck
@Shinra intéressé par img / retours : je regarde pour ça pour le #fablab / #repaircafé pour les outils sur batterie, mais on s’attend à un influx de vélos et trottinettes aussi bientôt ...
One of those serendipitous moments at today's Lambeth Repair Café. I was explaining to a lady that we had no-one on hand to fix her 100 year old violin when a chap walked in behind her to volunteer as a fixer of musical instruments, specialising in guitars. His brother fixes violins. 💫 #RepairCafe #repair #London
#RepairCafé #HalleSaale
Heute wieder um 15.00 Uhr
#BoreDa pawb. Dydd Sadwrn, dydd heulog, dydd #CaffiTrwsio Boothstown! Y math o dydd gorau.
#GoodMorning everyone. Saturday, sunny day, Boothstown #RepairCafe day! The best kind of day.
#boreda #CaffiTrwsio #goodmorning #repaircafe #dysgucymraeg
Eh ben voilà , j'ai vidé mon cache Firefox et me retrouve bloqué en dehors de Discord.
J'ai oublié mes identifiants et ceux que j'ai dans mon gestionnaire de mot de passes ne fonctionnent pas 🤦‍♂️
J'imagine que je vais faire une pause des comu auxquelles j'étais connecté depuis Décembre dernier.
De quoi promouvoir les #3615Zinizn, #RepairCafé, #InstallParty, #ApéroPhilo, #SaturdHedgehog !
GOO full Fediverse !
#3615zinizn #repaircafe #installparty #aperophilo #saturdhedgehog
#repair #therepairshop #repaircafe #repairs
Yes, preventing food waste is a noble cause,
but we should also not waste Electric devices at the first sign of trouble!
Today in my Repair Shop, we fix a Hair Trimmer. You see ? two plastic "fangs" are broken off, after years of use.
Now the comb is re-attached with a piece of green iron wire, it works well and the first trimming results look promising, don't you think?
#repairs #repaircafe #therepairshop #repair
Trwsiais i doli at #CaffiTrwsio. Oedd ei goes hi yn toriad, ond nes i gwnio fo. (Mae ddrug da fi am y tywyllwch, mae'r golau yn ofnadwy yno.)
I fixed a doll at #RepairCafe. Her leg was broken, but I sewed it up. (I'm sorry for the darkness, the light is terrible there.)
#BoreDa pawb. NĂ´l i'r #CaffiTrwsio heddiw - Moss Side. Ond, gan @Maker_of_Things troed poenus. Dwi'n meddwl, bydd symud yr offer yn anodd.
#Good morning everyone. Back to the #RepairCafe today - Moss Side. But, @Maker_of_Things has a sore foot. I think, moving the equipment will be difficult.
#boreda #CaffiTrwsio #good #repaircafe
Right to repair legislation endorsed by Apple in California. From @jasonkoebler
#RightToRepair #Repair #TechSupport #RepairCafe #Apple https://www.404media.co/apple-endorses-california-right-to-repair-bill/
#righttorepair #repair #techsupport #repaircafe #apple
From SPEC (Society Promoting Environmental Conservation)
Most of their latest email seems to be ©️ but I am sure that they won't mind me promoting this
Bring your items to be fixed for free at upcoming Repair Café
Join the SPEC Repair Café on September 9th at Britannia Community Centre [1661 Napier St, Vancouver, BC] and have your items repaired for free by our volunteer fixers. Walk-ins are welcome first come, first served.
Learn more https://spec.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=532c1f022fc0c1b8ba6f6c31a&id=6d2b20411d&e=7d338b69d7
Die Welcome Werkstatt trefft ihr am Samstag beim Aktionstag NACHHALTIG NACHBARSCHAFTEN 11-17 Uhr am Goldbekhaus. Wir kommen gerne darüber ins Gespräch, wie man ein Repair-Café aufziehen kann und zeigen, was 3D-Druck mit Nachhaltigkeit zu tun hat. Gerne nehmen wir eure Filamentreste und Fehldrucke (PETG und PLA, sortiert) zum #Recycling an! https://www.goldbekhaus.de/kultur_live/?cid=6&oid=3404
#goldbekhaus #repaircafe #nachhaltignachbarschaften #hamburg #welcomewerkstatt
#goldbekhaus #repaircafe #nachhaltignachbarschaften #hamburg #welcomewerkstatt #recycling
Die Superwoche in Lindweiler - Repaircafe, FuĂźball, Hoffest, Flohmarkt
#flohmarkt #Hoffest #Lindweiler #repaircafe #superwoche
Highlights from the #RepairCafe in Burlington #Vermont at @LabB
Fixed: bike with squealing brakes, 2 bad zippers, solar lights, head phone ear pads, broken walking stick, toaster oven
Not fixed: boot resoling, broken rings, carpet cleaner
I can't wait to find out if the waffle iron in progress when I left survived surgery