Just replaced the earpad cushions for my Sony WH-1000XM3 headphones, and it feels like a new device. Years ago I did the same with a pair of (very expensive, but “free” Beats Studio Pro, but the sound cancellation was never the same (I attribute that to the 3M adhesive used to attach them again, being not as good sealant as the originals); felt cheap (the replacements were cheap TBH) and ended buying the Sony model a year after that.
🚨 Save the date for #RepairDay 2023 🚨
In under 2 months, on 21st October, the global repair community will be marking the biggest day in the #repair calendar 🔧 this year's theme is #RepairForEveryone 💚
Time to prep your events and dust off your screwdrivers to celebrate repair in all its forms!
#repairday #repair #repairforeveryone
Nach insgesamt 9 Jahren und 7 Jahren mit dem 2. Motor (gerade noch Garantiefall) wollte die Waschmaschine wieder nicht mehr. Also dieses Mal selbst fix den Motor inkl. Riemen gewechselt, dazu direkt noch neue Schläuche. Wieder wie neu🙂👍
Das schwierigste war wieder der Einbau des neuen Riemens, den Spaß hatte ich bei meiner eigenen Maschine auch schon...
At number 1...
🎄 For #RepairDay, our worldwide fixing community came together to show that repair is everywhere. We had an amazing turnout including from our friends over in #Aotearoa, a whole 11,000 miles away who filmed this video of repair happening on a beautiful old tree branch 🎉
At number 6...
🎄This year we celebrated #RepairDay with the theme #RepairEverywhere. Repairers from all over the world repaired in unusual places to prove that anyone can repair no matter where they are or the skills they have 🎉
Goodbye my heart get well soon 👋
My Epiano fell down and has a defect. Today my friend brought it to the Roland workshop in #Rüsselsheim to be fixed.
#russelsheim #roland #epiano #repairday
Wer kann einen Ersatzteileshop für Saugroboter empfehlen, konkret Neato Botvac D7 (vorzugsweise kein Amazon, Ebay)?
Muss Hauptbürstenantrieb erneuern, zumindest das Rädchen mit dem Sechskant (der ist nun rund, Motor tut noch). Würde auch gleich Antriebsgummis von LIDAR und Seitenbürste erneuern, neuer Akku ist auch bald fällig
#Reparatur #Botvac #D7 #Neato #Ersatzteile #Ersatzteileshop #repairday #reparierenstattneukaufen
#reparierenstattneukaufen #repairday #ersatzteileshop #ersatzteile #Neato #D7 #botvac #reparatur
@neil a day late but having a lovely time at the Heizhaus in Uferstudios in #berlin for the On Gathering #repairday
No tak, dopiero teraz się dowiedziałem, że właśnie był #DzieńReperowania. ⚒️📲🙌 Dobrze by było, gdyby obchody tego dnia były też w mojej okolicy. To fajne, ponaprawiać różne rzeczy w gronie ludzi, dla których też jest ważne, żeby reperować, a nie ciągle tylko kupować nowe rzeczy.
#RepairDay #RightToRepair #naprawianie #reperowanie
#reperowanie #naprawianie #righttorepair #repairday #dzienreperowania
It's #RepairDay!
I've fixed a loose tap at home and given my laptop a good clean inside and out.
RT from Printables.com (@printablescom)
It’s #RepairDay, let’s fix something! 🛠️ Join our latest flash designer contest with the theme REPAIRS:
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/printablescom/status/1581227080951693312
Mit dem Internationalen #RepairDay heute soll Bewusstsein fürs #Reparieren geweckt werden, um Ressourcen & Klima zu schützen.
Oft erschweren Hersteller die Reparatur. Daher brauchen wir das #RechtAufReparatur!
#repairday #reparieren #rechtaufreparatur #reparierenstattwegwerfen
RT @ADFC_Hamburg@twitter.com
#ParkingDay2022 – in der Langen Reihe St. Georg machen wir zusammen ab 12 Uhr mit @bund_hh@twitter.com @BUNDjugend_HH@twitter.com @P4F_Hamburg@twitter.com aus Kfz-Parkplätzen was Sinnvolles. Und #RepairDay: wir checken dein 🚲– kommt vorbei!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ADFC_Hamburg/status/1570663407103414273
📆 So. 24. Oktober: Repair Day 🛠️
Analoge und digitale Reparaturen
U.a. mit:
Repair–Café Witten
Repair–Café Bommern
Rad-Team Leibniz-Gymnasium Essen
Signal of Youth
So. 24. Oktober 2021, Werk°Stadt, Mannesmannstr. 6, 17:00–21:00 Uhr
#witten #repairday #repaircafé #WerkStadt
Nice. I didn't even realize that it was #repairday when I decided to repair my broken IRIS keyboard today. I'm glad that I could join in on this event without realizing it.
A new network of Repair Cafes in Aotearoa launched today, nice
No IRL events near me for Repair Day, think I'll go to this online
"Join us on International Repair Day for the conversation with geographer and co-ordinator of Repair Acts, Ireland Dr Alma Clavin, artist and researcher Monai de Paula Antunes and artist and co-founder of Toxics Link, Ravi Agarwal on "What Does It Mean to Care and Repair?" "
It's International Repair Day!
"A day to promote and celebrate the value of fixing"
Fix shit or cry trying, as the saying goes. I've got a toy laptop, a sewing machine and a pair of jeans to fix.