When Tail Lights Lose Touch With Reality - To study the history of the automobile is to also be a student of technological pr... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/09/when-tail-lights-lose-touch-with-reality/ #automotivedesign #righttorepair #repairhacks #repair #cars #ford
#ford #cars #repair #repairhacks #righttorepair #automotivedesign
Transistor Radio Repair, More Complex Than It Seems - The humble transistor radio is one of those consumer devices that stubbornly refus... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/07/transistor-radio-repair-more-complex-than-it-seems/ #germaniumtransistors #transistorradio #classichacks #repairhacks #repair #am
#am #repair #repairhacks #classichacks #transistorradio #germaniumtransistors
I literally just did this earlier today, best feeling ever!
The knob on my toaster oven broke last year and I just assumed I couldn’t buy a replacement and never even checked. Been using a flathead screwdriver for a year and suddenly today, inspiration struck and I fixed it in a few minutes with a cheapo wall hanger hook and some SteelStik epoxy FTW! 👩🏼🏭
#FixIt #RepairHacks #RightToRepair
[Alt text= A missing toaster oven knob replaced with some epoxy putty]
#fixit #repairhacks #righttorepair
Impulse Buying a 3040 CNC Machine, What Could Go Wrong? - [joekutz] made an impulse purchase of a CNC machine. It was a 3040 CNC that looked... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/26/impulse-buying-a-3040-cnc-machine-what-could-go-wrong/ #repairhacks #bentshafts #cnchacks #restore #repair #router #cnc
#cnc #router #repair #restore #cnchacks #bentshafts #repairhacks
Data Recovery in the Woodshed - A 1TB drive fails. How do you recover the data? If you are like us, you imagine a ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/18/data-recovery-in-the-woodshed/ #datarecovery #repairhacks #mischacks
#mischacks #repairhacks #datarecovery
Bringing an ADM-3A Back to Life - [David] at Usagi Electric ended up with an old Lear Siegler ADM-3A terminal in a t... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/16/bringing-an-adm-3a-back-to-life/ #retrocomputing #repairhacks #learsiegler #cataract #terminal #adm-3a #crt
#crt #adm #terminal #cataract #learsiegler #repairhacks #retrocomputing
New Motherboard Improves Old CRT Television - While browsing AliExpress from his digital basement, [Adrian Black] stumbled upon ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/16/new-motherboard-improves-old-crt-television/ #multistandard #repairhacks #videohacks #television #mainboard #secam #ntsc #crt #pal
#pal #crt #ntsc #secam #mainboard #television #videohacks #repairhacks #multistandard
Repairing a Home Injection Molding Machine - When [Michael] over at the Teaching Tech YouTube channel bought a hobby injection ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/05/repairing-a-home-injection-molding-machine/ #injectionmolding #repairhacks #toolhacks #repair #pla
#pla #repair #toolhacks #repairhacks #injectionmolding
Let’s Listen to a Tape — Paper Tape - These days, data is as likely as not to be “in the cloud.” Otherwise, it’s probabl... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/03/lets-listen-to-a-tape-paper-tape/ #retrocomputing #repairhacks #papertape #teardown #fanuc
#fanuc #teardown #papertape #repairhacks #retrocomputing
Microsoft Now Offering Parts and Repair Guides for Xbox Controllers - We’re big fans of repairable hardware here at Hackaday, so much so that when we se... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/02/microsoft-now-offering-parts-and-repair-guides-for-xbox-controllers/ #repairhacks #repairguide #controller #spareparts #xboxhacks #microsoft #xboxone #xbox
#xbox #xboxone #microsoft #xboxhacks #spareparts #controller #repairguide #repairhacks
Fixing Some More of Apple’s Design Mistakes - Love them or hate them, there’s no denying that Apple has strayed from the Woz’s o... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/02/fixing-some-more-of-apples-design-mistakes/ #digitalaudiohacks #repairhacks #applerepair #airpodspro #bluetooth #airpods #airpod #repair #apple #audio
#audio #apple #repair #airpod #airpods #bluetooth #airpodspro #applerepair #repairhacks #digitalaudiohacks
All American Five Lives Again - If you haven’t heard of an “all-American five,” then you probably don’t dig throug... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/01/all-american-five-lives-again/ #allamericanfive #allamerican5 #repairhacks #tuberadio #teardown
#teardown #tuberadio #repairhacks #allamerican5 #allamericanfive
Examining Test Gear from Behind the Iron Curtain - Back in 1978, an oscilloscope was an exotic piece of gear for most homebrewers. We... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/01/examining-test-gear-from-behind-the-iron-curtain/ #oscilloscope #repairhacks #teardown #soviet
#soviet #teardown #repairhacks #oscilloscope
Restoring the Cheapest TRS-80 at the Swap Meet - We don’t know if you’ve looked into it recently, but the prices for vintage comput... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/24/restoring-the-cheapest-trs-80-at-the-swap-meet/ #vintagecomputerfederation #retrocomputing #repairhacks #swapmeet #trs-80
#trs #swapmeet #repairhacks #retrocomputing #vintagecomputerfederation
Tearing Down and Improving a Professional Power Supply - [OZ2CPU] has an HP power supply that is about 30 years old. It looks brand new, th... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/11/tearing-down-and-improving-a-professional-power-supply/ #repairhacks #powersupply #teardown #hp
#hp #teardown #powersupply #repairhacks
Kim-1: Memory Problem Resolved - At the very start of the personal computer revolution, there were relatively inexp... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/10/kim-1-memory-problem-resolved/ #retrocomputing #retrocomputer #repairhacks #kim-1 #mos
#mos #kim #repairhacks #retrocomputer #retrocomputing
Show ‘Em What You’re Made of With This Repair Logo - The only thing better than getting your hands on a repairable piece of hardware is... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/07/show-em-what-youre-made-of-with-this-repair-logo/ #opensourcehardware #repairhacks #hardware #repair #logo
#logo #repair #hardware #repairhacks #opensourcehardware
A Faulty Keyboard From a Single LED - When the chance arrived to buy a mechanical keyboard for not a lot, naturally, [Ha... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/05/a-faulty-keyboard-from-a-single-led/ #mechanicalkeyboard #peripheralshacks #repairhacks #keyboard #led
#led #keyboard #repairhacks #peripheralshacks #mechanicalkeyboard
A Dusty Boat Anchor Back From The Brink - Many of us will have found dusty forgotten pieces of electronics and nursed them b... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/04/a-dusty-boat-anchor-back-from-the-brink/ #linearamplifier #repairhacks #radiohacks #hamradio #heathkit
#heathkit #hamradio #radiohacks #repairhacks #linearamplifier
Repairing a $25,000 HP Workstation to Run Pac-Man - The microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s turned computers from expensiv... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/20/repairing-a-25000-hp-workstation-to-run-pac-man/ #retrocomputing #classichacks #repairhacks #workstation #hp9836c #gpib #hp
#hp #gpib #hp9836c #workstation #repairhacks #classichacks #retrocomputing