Vorher- und Nachherbild: Was man eben so macht, wenn man aus heiterem Himmel plötzlich ein großes Loch im Stoff seiner liebsten Leinenhose hat.
#repairingiscaring #repair #visiblemending
I bought a cheap soldering iron and a multimeter to learn more about some #electronics. Used a Bluetooth speaker that stopped working a while ago as a test subject. Turns out the wires of the charging port came loose and dangled around in the case. That was an easy fix!
This repair alone covered the price of that soldering iron. And I learned a bunch!
#electronics #repairingiscaring
So cool to happen upon a free repair shop on the road, run by #Patagonia. Generously fixing all brands, including the tear on my 15 year old ski mittens. #RepairingIsCaring
Before I want to start working on one of my favourite jackets I practiced some visible mending on a cowl with what feels like a millions tiny holes - only in the light green part for whatever reason. Good that there's still some holes left for practicing! There's still a lot of room for improvement.
#VisibleMending #NachKaputtKommtSchöner #Stopfen #darning #repairingiscaring
#visiblemending #nachkaputtkommtschoner #stopfen #darning #repairingiscaring
En GPS cykel-sporings-enhed er reddet fra skrot. Den var slet ikke defekt, bare lidt dårligt designet.
Jeg har en cykelglad ven som meget gerne ville bruge den, så han har lige sparet 1.000kr.
Det betaler sig at fixe tingene :)
#RepairingIsCaring #FixDetSelv
#repairingiscaring #fixdetselv
Ancient Kindle with a dead battery brought back to life. #RepairingIsCaring
Julepynt reddet fra skrot og et lykkeligt julebarn, whats not to like. 💚