Fully embracing the #NormanRockwell of this holiday #MonDog ! Slowly stitching my way through my mending pile from under a mess of blankets and sleeping puppy. Favourite chew toy got repaired first - upholstery thread is amazing! One stuffy, one button, and I'm on the third pair of pants!
#HandStitched #MakeThriftMend #WasteNotWantNot #RepairYourClothes #NeedleAndThread
#NeedleAndThread #repairyourclothes #wastenotwantnot #makethriftmend #handstitched #mondog #normanrockwell
I just mended another pair of jeans that had holes in the crotch area! I'm very satisfied with that ☺️
#mending #RepairYourClothes #MendingNotBuying #MendingClothes #sustainability
#sustainability #mendingclothes #mendingnotbuying #repairyourclothes #mending
Great to see companies out there encouraging people to mend their products rather than just buying more. Nudie jeans sent out this little bundle of patches and denim thread along with a little instruction sheet. 🪡🧵👖#mending #MoreOfThisPlease #RepairYourClothes
#repairyourclothes #moreofthisplease #mending