Why Is Everyone So Upset About the Betsy Ross Flag?
There's a pretty long history of the flag being used by extremist right-wing movements — and a recent move by Nike has brought that into the spotlight https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/betsy-ross-flag-nike-colin-kaepernick-patriot-movement-ku-klux-klan-854612/ @RollingStone #Jim_Jordan #RepChrisStewart #HouseJudiciary #StaceyPlaskett #extremism #weaponization
#weaponization #extremism #staceyplaskett #HouseJudiciary #repchrisstewart #jim_jordan
Very few have reached out to these fabulists because they are traitors #repchrisstewart
#RepChrisStewart #Utah The American People SEE Traitors. Americans are smart enough to know this IS about #jan6th and this IS about re-electing Donald Trump. And you, Chris Stewart, are making us all LESS SAFE by undermining the #FBI #HouseJudiciary #StaceyPlaskett #weaponization
#weaponization #staceyplaskett #HouseJudiciary #FBI #jan6th #utah #repchrisstewart
#RepChrisStewart is conflating the u.s. govt w the former East German secret police, Stasi. Its so reckless. Again. #saltLake has a whack job, conspiracy theorist for a congress person. What a waste of time. #Jordancommittee #StaceyPlaskett #Jim_Jordan
No one has any idea what Chris Stewart is talking about. Some arcane weird half truth and misinformation. Again. We have six people dead by gun violence in Nashville and this guy, Stewart is going off on some fabulist nonsense. #Utah
#utah #jim_jordan #staceyplaskett #jordancommittee #saltlake #repchrisstewart