From #BallotPA
Today (Wednesday April 26) at 1pm: Don't miss State Sens Laughlin and Boscola discussing their legislation to #RepealClosedPrimaries in a press conference!
Learn more about BallotPA here:
#ballotpa #repealclosedprimaries #pa #pennsylvania #openprimaries #electionreform
From #BallotPA:
“Our Commonwealth remains 1 of 8 states across the country w/ closed primaries. Last Nov, Nevada passed a ballot measure that brought open primaries. PA should be next.”
In a letter to #RepSolomon, SfBPA #swarthmore chairs call to #RepealClosedPrimaries! Do you agree with them?
Learn more at:
#ballotpa #repsolomon #swarthmore #repealclosedprimaries #pa #pennsylvania #electionreform #openprimaries