@diamondlaw @lawprofblawg #RepealPLCAA. The dead have earned their day in court.
@pivoinebleue He may not have been the only negligent party but he's the only one who can be found liable until PLCAA is repealed. #RepealPLCAA
If mass killings hurt the profitability of arms manufacturers, they would urge changes in the law, but, actually, they are advertising, punching any number of different buttons motivating more sales. There are people who are benefitting by these deaths and we need to change the paradigm - they need to be held responsible. The dead have earned their day in court. #RepealPLCAA
SCOTUS interpreted the Second Amendment as granting an individual right of gun ownership for the first time in the Heller decision, about 19 years ago. But there are ways to induce gun sellers, distributor and manufacturers to make changes in order to avoid economic pain. #RepealPLCAA. The dead have earned their day in court.
@joelitics @w7voa There is. The courts - but first you have to give them back jurisdiction. #RepealPLCAA. The dead have earned their day in court.
There are people responsible for these killings, people who profit by it, whose incomes increase every time this happens and they need to be held to account. The dead have earned their day in court. #RepealPLCAA
United States Obtains Temporary Restraining Order Against Firearm Companies Illegally Selling Machine Guns | Department of Justice https://www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/united-states-obtains-temporary-restraining-order-against-firearm-companies-illegally
#Repeal2A #RepealPLCAA #DissolveTheNRA #BalanceTheCourt #ExpandSCOTUS #GunControlNow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
#repeal2a #repealplcaa #DissolveTheNRA #balancethecourt #expandscotus #guncontrolnow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Is Trying to Open a Gun Range That Serves Alcohol https://jezebel.com/wisconsin-supreme-court-candidate-is-trying-to-open-a-g-1850037307
#Repeal2A #RepealPLCAA #DissolveTheNRA #BalanceTheCourt #ExpandSCOTUS #GunControlNow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
#whatsthematterwiththegop #repeal2a #repealplcaa #DissolveTheNRA #balancethecourt #expandscotus #guncontrolnow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
A significant number of mass attacks are motivated by misogyny, new Secret Service report finds – We Hunted The Mammoth https://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2023/01/26/a-significant-number-of-mass-attacks-are-motivated-by-misogyny-new-secret-service-report-finds/
#Repeal2A #RepealPLCAA #FightMisogyny #BalanceTheCourt #ExpandSCOTUS #GunControlNow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
#repeal2a #repealplcaa #fightmisogyny #balancethecourt #expandscotus #guncontrolnow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
Kansas man dies after being shot by dog in truck, police say | US News | Sky News https://news.sky.com/story/kansas-man-dies-after-being-shot-by-dog-in-truck-police-say-12794977/
#Repeal2A #RepealPLCAA #DissolveTheNRA #BalanceTheCourt #ExpandSCOTUS #GunControlNow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
#repeal2a #repealplcaa #DissolveTheNRA #balancethecourt #expandscotus #guncontrolnow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
Teacher shot by 6-year-old texted a dire warning to a loved one before she was wounded, source says https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/teacher-shot-6-year-old-texted-dire-warning-loved-one-was-wounded-sour-rcna67290
#Repeal2A #RepealPLCAA #DissolveTheNRA #BalanceTheCourt #ExpandSCOTUS #GunControlNow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
#repeal2a #repealplcaa #DissolveTheNRA #balancethecourt #expandscotus #guncontrolnow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
How the Right Turns Every Mass Shooting Into a Mass Distraction | The New Republic https://newrepublic.com/article/170162/conservative-media-gun-safety-shootings
#Repeal2A #RepealPLCAA #DissolveTheNRA #BalanceTheCourt #ExpandSCOTUS #GunControlNow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
#whatsthematterwiththegop #repeal2a #repealplcaa #DissolveTheNRA #balancethecourt #expandscotus #guncontrolnow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
Four shot, three killed in Robeson County https://www.wral.com/four-shot-three-killed-in-robeson-county/20687443/
#Repeal2A #RepealPLCAA #DissolveTheNRA #BalanceTheCourt #ExpandSCOTUS #GunControlNow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
#repeal2a #repealplcaa #DissolveTheNRA #balancethecourt #expandscotus #guncontrolnow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
Yakima, Washington, shooting: Suspect in overnight Yakima shooting that left 3 people dead has died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound, police say
#Repeal2A #RepealPLCAA #ExpandSCOTUS #GunControlNow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
#repeal2a #repealplcaa #expandscotus #guncontrolnow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
Suspect in Shootings at Northern California Farms Was Employee https://www.voanews.com/a/seven-killed-in-shootings-at-northern-california-agricultural-sites/6931332.html
#Repeal2A #RepealPLCAA #DissolveTheNRA #BalanceTheCourt #ExpandSCOTUS #GunControlNow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
#repeal2a #repealplcaa #DissolveTheNRA #balancethecourt #expandscotus #guncontrolnow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
NRA challenging Illinois assault weapons ban | WICS https://newschannel20.com/news/local/nra-challenging-illinois-assault-weapons-ban
#Repeal2A #RepealPLCAA #DissolveTheNRA #BalanceTheCourt #ExpandSCOTUS #GunControlNow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
#repeal2a #repealplcaa #DissolveTheNRA #balancethecourt #expandscotus #guncontrolnow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
Gavin Newsom Says the Second Amendment ‘Is Becoming a Suicide Pact’ After Another Mass Shooting https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7gzaa/gavin-newsom-fox-news-half-moon-bay-shooting
#Repeal2A #RepealPLCAA #DissolveTheNRA #BalanceTheCourt #ExpandSCOTUS #GunControlNow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive
#repeal2a #repealplcaa #DissolveTheNRA #balancethecourt #expandscotus #guncontrolnow #EndTheFilibuster #VoteProgressive