These are the active shooter instructions for my son’s infant daycare room.
This sheet of paper is supposed to protect him. It won’t. But, to be fair, neither will the people who actually could.
We, and especially our leaders, are cowards. We support guns, not healthcare. War, not education. Supremacy, not equality. We all should be tearing our garments and covering ourselves with ashes. Repent or death is coming. #GunControlNow #RepealThe2nd
The 18th century farmers who wrote the second amendment were thinking about magazine-fed semiautomatic assault pistols that have an extended large capacity magazines attached to it. #repealthe2nd
Another mass shooting in the US.
You can not change toxic gun culture while gun ownership is a right.
It is not a huge leap for folks to go from "I have the right to own a gun" to "I have the right to use a gun".
"When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail".
Toxic gun culture can not change while gun ownership is a right.
Democrats start negotiation at the weakest possible position.
#RepealThe2nd is where we start this conversation. No more.
No more.
RT @MalloryMcMorrow
For the second straight day, the Michigan Senate GOP ended session early in a cowardly attempt to silence Democrats from speaking on the Senate floor about the slaughter of children in Texas. But we won't be silenced. Here's the speech Republicans were too afraid to hear.
@irritable @DrChris @dcgirl @PhoneBoy
Shooter is supposed to be a woman => women can't be trusted to handle firearms! We've already had a couple of teachers shoot at random, so we know they can't be armed.
The poor kids.
#nrafail #repealthe2nd #narrative