Had a nice conversation with K6YHX on the K6ERN repeater this evening. Turns out he went to college in my hometown. #SimiValley #RepeaterBook #HamRadio
#hamradio #repeaterbook #simivalley
Well, it looks like I successfully made contact with the #W6SRR "DMR of Anarchy" DMR repeater in San Ramon, CA, at least I could see my own traffic on the #brandmeister hose line. But no comebacks at the moment on TG 31666 or 5150.
It's clear though that #RepeaterBook is less helpful for #DMR information, you really need to know a fair bit about that kind of repeater (networks, talkgroups, time slots, color codes) which that site doesn't capture.
#dmr #repeaterbook #brandmeister #w6srr
The #N6NFI repeater in Palo Alto, CA is especially convenient to me because it shares a frequency and a PL tone with #W8UM and so I don't have to adjust my radio at all to use it when I am here in California.
Nice #QSO with #K1OKS on that repeater earlier this evening re the logistics of connecting to local repeaters when you're traveling. #RepeaterBook helps, as does having a radio with a good interface for retuning on the fly.
Next up: try to tune a local DMR repeater without a code plug!
#repeaterbook #k1oks #qso #W8UM #n6nfi