RePEc-registered Economists on Mastodon:
"This page indexes registered #economists that are also on #Mastodon and is updated daily. Economists are also listed by field, country, institution type, and gender. Being registered here also allows them to get their identity verified on Mastodon..."
[Note: Information was extracted from the lists at "Academics on Mastodon", compiled by @hendrikerz; h/t @NikaShilobod] @economics #RePEc #economics
#mastodon #repec #economics #economists
"we review the scope and the role of preprint papers platforms in academia, we explore individual cases, #arXiv, #SSRN, #OSF Preprints, #HAL, #bioRxiv, #EconStor, #RePEc, #PhilArchive, Research Square, #viXra, Cryptology ePrint Archive,, #ChinaXiv, #medRxiv, #JMIR Preprints, #Authorea, #ChemRxiv, #engrXiv, e-LiS, #SciELO, #PsyArXiv, #F1000 Research, and #Zenodo,
#arxiv #SSRN #osf #hal #bioRxiv #econstor #repec #philarchive #vixra #chinaxiv #medRxiv #jmir #authorea #chemrxiv #engrxiv #scielo #psyarxiv #f1000 #zenodo
Also, a somewhat meta-comment: Mastodon is a fantastic resource for consuming the #repec firehose.
How to leverage #RePEc on social media
Unpopular(?) opinion: In a time when the econ profession is trying to contain extreme pressure and reduce the worshiping of hierarchies and rankings, this #repec "fantasy league" initiative is very much out of touch.
New relevant #Economics #Paper announcement service also for #AgriculturalEconomics via #repec @RePEc_NEP_AGR
#repec #agriculturaleconomics #paper #economics
A little heads up that all NEP reports by #repec are on #mastodon 👇follow and be updated with all new working papers @czimm_economist
@czimm_economist #repec The author-service login on the ranking page is not working - so those of us who have not yet received the monthly link will need to wait?
Quelqu'un sait comment on rajoute une collection là-dedans ? on contacte d'abord #RePEc et ensuite le #CCSD ?
Index of /RePEc/hal