I've started 2 experimental translation projects for #Glitch and #Repixture. These games can now be translated in the browser! Hopefully. So if you want to help:
▶️ https://translate.codeberg.org/projects/repixture/
▶️ https://translate.codeberg.org/projects/glitch/
(needs a Codeberg.org account)
#glitch #repixture #translation #gamedev #minetest
Interesting new feature on Codeberg.org:
Issue labels can now have a scope and be set to be mutually-exclusive to that scope. For example, you can have "Type/Bug" and "Type/Feature" and Codeberg will no longer allow to both labels be set at once.
I just applied that to all labels on the #Repixture repository, except categories because those aren't exclusive. https://codeberg.org/Wuzzy/Repixture/issues
#repixture #codeberg #coding #development #freesoftware #libre #ux
@JMMaok I think my #Repixture repo is doing good: https://codeberg.org/Wuzzy/Repixture
I make heavy use of issues and projects and milestones to organize my ideas. Also a bit of the wiki but only for quick-n-dirty notes for vague ideas.
Codeberg is great.