마지막 때와징조 법정 - The End Times and its Signs
Full Forum recordings (In English with consecutive Korean language interpretation)
Dr Mitch Glaser speaks on: Is the modern state of Israel the fulfilment of prophecy?
Dr Darrell Bock speaks on: Israel: prophecy fulfilled – The charge of illegitimate supersessionism.
#Israel #jesus #jesuschrist #Messiah #supersessionism #ProphecyFulfilled #Ezekiel36 #ReplacementTheology
#israel #jesus #jesuschrist #messiah #supersessionism #prophecyfulfilled #ezekiel36 #replacementtheology
@emmanuelwald theonomy is the idea that a #fundamentalist understanding of the OT Law should be instituted as the law of the state as well. This includes things like death penalty for other religions, including Catholics & Orthodox believers whom most theonomists I’ve interacted with argue are not believers. It also includes a #replacementtheology implication for Israel & the Church that is built off kinism requiring people to marry “their own kind” & forces women into a literal servitude status
#fundamentalist #replacementtheology
Video: Pastor Jim Devney - #sermon #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible - Replacement Theology #ReplacementTheology https://youtu.be/TWaVz4dBmE8
#replacementtheology #kingjamesbible #kjv #biblestudy #bible #Scriptures #Sermon
Here is the UGETube version of my new video exposing Andrew Torba for teaching the heresy of replacement theology. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.
#andrewtorba #replacementtheology #heresy #exposed #apologetics
#apologetics #exposed #heresy #replacementtheology #andrewtorba
Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video exposing Andrew Torba for teaching the heresy of replacement theology. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.
#andrewtorba #replacementtheology #heresy #exposed #apologetics
#apologetics #exposed #heresy #replacementtheology #andrewtorba
Today I decided to back up one of my old videos to my JoshWho TV channel. In this video, I respond to KJV-Onlyist and infamous hate preacher Steven Anderson teaching the heresy of replacement theology. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel, and help spread the word.
#stevenanderson #replacementtheology #exposed #christian #apologetics
#apologetics #christian #exposed #replacementtheology #stevenanderson