#Replanet si presenta come una rete di movimenti di base, guidata da soluzioni basate sulla scienza ai vari problemi del mondo. Ma sul nucleare non seguono la scienza che nei rapporti IPCC mostra opportunità e limiti del nucleare, ma fanno lobbismo pronuke chiedendo soldi per difendere in tribunale quei finanziamenti europei al nucleare che #Greenpeace considera una forma di #greenwashing che sottrae risorse a tecnologie più mature e più efficaci nella lotta alla #climatecrisis
#replanet #Greenpeace #Greenwashing #climatecrisis #NoNuke
Nuove informazioni sul #populismonucleare alla svedese: per Ia Aanstoot la propaganda pronuke e le azioni legali contro @greenpeace sono un modo per scrollarsi di dosso l’”ansia climatica” che caratterizza gli attivisti di #fridaysforfuture, ma siccome questo movimento è molto popolare usano l’immagine di Greta #Thunberg per il sito della loro campagna, organizzata dalla ONG #RePlanet, guidata dal padre, Take Aanstoot, fiero del lobbismo pronuke della figlia
#NoNuke :nonuke:
#populismonucleare #fridaysforfuture #Thunberg #replanet #NoNuke
Klimaatactivisten gaan nu elkaar de tent uitvechten 😂 Telkens als je denkt dat het niet gekker kan... (meisje heeft wel gelijk overigens)
Das #RePlanet Vorstandsmitglied Amardeo Sarma ist Funktionär der #Skeptikerbewegung.
Der #RePlanet Vorsitzende Dr. Simon Friederich ist Mitglied der Beschleunigergruppe des Institut für Kernphysik ;-)
Bisher berichtet auch scheinbar niemand anderes aus #DieWelt, also ich hab zumindest noch nichts gefunden und hoffe es bleibt dabei.
#diewelt #Skeptikerbewegung #replanet
Gerade kursiert ein #DieWelt Artikel "Junge Klimaaktivisten starten Pro-Kernkraft-Kampagne". Wer sich aber die Webseite der Organisation #RePlanet anschaut, findet das nicht mehr ganz so junge Team vom Bild eins. Und wer ins Lobbyregister schaut findet die beachtliche Zahl von 30 Mitgliedern. RePlanet hat bisher genau eine Aktion veröffentlicht, nämlich die offenen Brief vom 14.4.2023 an den nun angeschlossen wird.
Es ist also eine #Springer Kampagne, nicht mehr!
„Es geht um gigantisch viel Geld.“
3sat @kulturzeit stellt in diesem 7-minütigem Beitrag einige Menschen und Start-Ups vor, die Tierprodukte ohne Tiere erforschen. Aber auch #RePlanet, die irgendwie beides wollen, Wachstum, Schrumpfung (und Atomenergie).
RT @Jackthelad1947@twitter.com
#Replanet #EcologicalCrisis demand #ClimateAction #SDG13
@AlboMP@twitter.com @jennymcallister@twitter.com @LaTrioli@twitter.com @PatsKarvelas@twitter.com
@Bowenchris@twitter.com @AnnastaciaMP@twitter.com @AnnastaciaMP@twitter.com @tanya_plibersek@twitter.com
@abcnews@twitter.com @abc730@twitter.com @ABCthedrum@twitter.com
#TellTheTruth listen to the scientists!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Jackthelad1947/status/1608605629559758851
#replanet #ecologicalcrisis #climateaction #sdg13 #tellthetruth
Nuclear energy has the lowest lifecycle environmental impact of all energy sources including wind and solar.
The Australian senate is accepting submissions on a bill to lift the federal/national ban on nuclear energy.
The submission process is open to anyone, even outside of Australia.
Your submission will help the Australia's federal politicians understand that there is strong public support for lifting the ban on nuclear energy so that it may be used as part of the clean energy transition.
#Australia #Nuclear #NuclearEnergy #RePlanet #Environment #CleanEnergy
#australia #nuclear #nuclearenergy #replanet #environment #cleanenergy
RePlanet Australia has created a submission to the Environment and Other Legislation Amendment (Removing Nuclear Energy Prohibitions) Bill inquiry.
They argue,
"In the context of the worsening global climate emergency such a barrier is morally and politically unjustifiable."
#Australia #RePlanet #RePlanetAustralia #Nuclear #NuclearEnergy
#australia #replanet #replanetaustralia #nuclear #nuclearenergy
Viikonlopuksi katsottavaa https://youtu.be/zwxXAPDrLYI?t=2043 End of the livestock industry? Tokko, mutta on totta, että ruoka muuttuu. On ilo tehdä töitä tämän aiheen kanssa! #precision #fermentation #replanet #ecomodernism #ekomodernistit
#ekomodernistit #ecomodernism #replanet #fermentation #precision
Viikonlopuksi katsottavaa https://youtu.be/zwxXAPDrLYI?t=2043 End of the livestock industry? Tokko, mutta on totta, että ruoka muuttuu. On ilo tehdä töitä tämän aiheen kanssa! #precision #fermentation #replanet #ecomodernism #ekomodernistit
#ekomodernistit #ecomodernism #replanet #fermentation #precision
💢 From FactoryFarmLab To Fork ⚠️
#RebootFood project from #RePlanet asking to deregulate #GeneEditing #GMO in #agriculture is a thread to #ecosystems #biodiversity #health & #FoodSystem #FalseSolution
➡️ https://gmwatch.org/en/106-news/latest-news/20127-george-monbiot-teams-up-with-mark-lynas-and-ecomodernism-to-reboot-food
#StopGeneEditedFood #StopFoodSystemsCapture #StopGMO
@thomaswaitz @Associazione_Rurale_Italiana @beuc @Perrin_Cam @GRAIN @gretathunberg @parents4future @inpact
#rebootfood #replanet #geneediting #gmo #agriculture #ecosystems #biodiversity #health #foodsystem #falsesolution #stopgeneeditedfood #stopfoodsystemscapture #StopGMO
☣️ George Monbiot #GM & #GMO friends #RePlanet #RebootFood #greenwashing lobby asking governments to remove support for organic food and deregulate the GM industry are #AgroChemical #Agrobusiness #FalseSolutions that won’t save us !
➡️ https://lowimpact.org/posts/george-monbiot-and-friends-are-wrong-techno-utopianism-wont-save-us
#NovelFoods #StopGMO #StopNewGMO #Biohazard
@thomas_waitz @Associazione_Rurale_Italiana @xrfrance @inpact @xrgermany @XRNamur @parents4future @Mediapart @bastamedia @Medor_mag @JacquesCaplat @fgarbarino @Perrin_Cam @beuc @greenpeace
#NovelFoods #StopGMO #stopnewgmo #biohazard #gm #gmo #replanet #rebootfood #greenwashing #agrochemical #agrobusiness #FALSESOLUTIONS
Participating in a #RePlanet webinar about a potential food system reformation with precision fermentation. Very interesting presentations.
Basically precision fermentation is a type of cellular agriculture that can be used to produce meat and dairy products without farming. As animal farming is one of the most environmentally harmful activities, this kind of systemic changes are necessary.
#rebootfood #universityofhelsinki #precisionfermentation #cellularagriculture #foodsystems
#foodsystems #CellularAgriculture #precisionfermentation #UniversityofHelsinki #RebootFood #replanet
This #RePlanet conference looks promising!
> Reboot Food! How farming is killing the planet & how science could save it
This #RePlanet conference looks promising!
> Reboot Food! How farming is killing the planet & how science could save it
RT @PatrickAJansen@twitter.com
Is #RePlanet (@letsreplanet@twitter.com) niet gewoon #ecomodernisme in een nieuw jasje?
En wat doet uitgerekend @GeorgeMonbiot@twitter.com bij dit initiatief?
Ik hoop het antwoord te horen bij @DeBalie@twitter.com op 27 november.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PatrickAJansen/status/1592850021086801922