Waz-ish · @grissallia
700 followers · 2367 posts · Server aus.social

Feb 6, 2023 - Day 37 - RePlay Review
Total RePlays: 2

Game: Conan Exiles

Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: May 8, 2018
Library Date: Aug 27, 2018
Last Played: May 26, 2020 - 986 days ago (2y8m11d)
Playtime: 51m (Total: 1h19m)

I fundamentally misunderstood Conan Exiles the last time I played it, during the pandemic. After nearly 30 minutes, I gave up.

It was the most confusing MMORPG I'd ever played.

Because, as I realised today, it's NOT an MMO.

It's a survival game. Not really sure how I managed to make that category error, but I judged it through different eyes today, right up until the point it crashed, due to a corrupted file.

As a survival game, it doesn't seem too bad, but as per yesterday's NewPlay review for Trailmakers, these kind of games don't do that much for me.

I suspect I need to read up more, because given the IP involved, I'm sure there's something I'm missing, but maybe I'm not, and it IS just Minecraft in a Conan-skin.

Conan Exiles is:

3: OK

#conanexiles #survival #replays #gaming #project365ong #project365

Last updated 2 years ago

Waz-ish · @grissallia
681 followers · 1972 posts · Server aus.social

Jan 15, 2023 - Day 15 - RePlay Review #1
Total RePlays: 1

Game: Frostpunk

Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Apr 24, 2018
Library Date: Mar 18, 2019
Last Played: Sept 8, 2019 - 1225 days ago (3y4m7d)
Playtime: 3.9h (Total: 9.2h)

Frostpunk is a survival-city-builder-strategy game set in a steampunk post-apocalyptic 19th Century world where you need to build and manage the last city on an entirely snowbound world.

I remember finding the idea of Frostpunk fascinating, and bought it as soon as it went on sale.

Then I played it, and... it IS fascinating, but it's quite intense and it really stressed me out.

Playing again today; yes, it's still intense. It turns out that it's also one of those strategy games that you look up and realise you've lost almost four hours.

Frostpunk is:

5: Excellent

#frostpunk #strategy #steampunk #grissgames #replays #gaming #project365ong #project365

Last updated 2 years ago

Arawa Collaboration OpenSource · @arawa
106 followers · 325 posts · Server pouet.chapril.org

📢 Visionnez nos webinaires ☁️ !
En été, il faut chaud & ce sont les vacances pour la plupart d'entre nous 😎🏝️. Pendant cette période de congés ou de travail peut-être moins intense, profitez-en pour visionner nos 😉
Nos : ln.arawa.fr/d5in3

#replays #webinaires #nextcloud

Last updated 2 years ago

Arawa Collaboration OpenSource · @arawa
106 followers · 325 posts · Server pouet.chapril.org

📢 Visionnez nos webinaires ☁️ !
En été, il faut chaud & ce sont les vacances pour la plupart d'entre nous 😎🏝️. Pendant cette période de congés ou de travail peut-être moins intense, profitez-en pour visionner nos 😉
Nos : ln.arawa.fr/d5in3

#replays #webinaires #nextcloud

Last updated 2 years ago