I think one of my biggest irrational fears with going to #replus this year is introducing myself to a vendor and them be like "yeah, we know who you are" with just the straightest and most serious face
Resplus is only in Sweden as far as I can tell, but it sounds really cool, thank you!
Train to train connections should be fine, that's true. If booked together, and the contract details are not too weird, they might count as one trip. In my specific case, I don't have any connections between trains though. That is a very special coincidence.
I bought travel insurance for the whole thing in the end. I'm usually very sceptical when it comes to insurance, and it's another nice sum, but it's from an insurance company that has actually has given me money in the past, so I'm hopeful.
#sweden #replus #travel #insurance #train #bus #ferry #travelInsurance
#sweden #replus #travel #insurance #train #Bus #ferry #travelinsurance