40% of my work day is deleting all of the one word or one sentence Reply All emails intended for someone else because people need to be SEEN telling someone "congrats!" I don't know really. #Netiquette #PetPeeves #ReplyAll
#replyall #petpeeves #netiquette
I've been along for the Reply All ride since it kicked off. Alex Goldman's well-earned pessimism in this piece is saddening, but not at all surprising. And it's reflective of many creative sectors now, I think.
https://cooldudezone.substack.com/p/the-future-is-grim #podcast #replyall
Currently going through a reply-all pandemic at work. The best part is the misspelled subject line.
if you ask me, we're already late with establishing a special day to honor all these decent humble #office players who know the difference between #replyall and #reply, and are not afraid to put it in use. especially in the 'i'm not a part of this project, pls take me out of this communication' case.
thank you for wisely choosing reply, or sometimes even wiser - not replying at all, THANK YOU you silent unknown people <3
If you worked at #Blackberry (or #rim as it was back in the day) in November of 2011, you *KNOW* who Sumit B. was. Maybe you even got to meet him.
#wasntevenhisfault #whups #replyall #rim #blackberry
Gibt es eigentlich eine Webseite, die in freundlichen Worten den #Unterschied zwischen #Reply und #ReplyAll bei #eMails erklärt?
Ich frage für einen #Freund.
#freund #Email #replyall #Reply #unterschied
*sigh* How many decades have people been using email?
Kid's sports coach emails all parents in the club; of course CC'ing not BCC'ing. Then the #replyall starts...
Over the past two days we have apparently determined that academic intelligence and common sense are mutually exclusive...
How difficult is it to *not* hit "Reply All", even when you want to let people know that they're replying to all...by replying to all...
@AnnemarieBridy I find the whole #ReplyAll implosion story fascinating. I had no idea the show was a hit. As far as I knew I was the only one listening to it.
Oh craaaaappp! I've been cc'd on a spam/phishing email sent by a mailing list address that does not do any sender checks and now all the rubes are replying all in anger to demand to be removed because of "unauthorized use of their personal information."
Any minute now someone will reply all to the reply all's to tell them to stop replying all and then someone else will take offense to that and reply all their indignation.
#techsupport #replyall #mayhem #funny #humor
@kevinrns @Greengordon @Fayedray @Vai @Melody @mum @servelan @Faithinbones @oldmanmike @Raven47 @nitrofurano @therobburgessshow
Please, remove me too. It reminds me of a #ReplyAll fiasco at work.
That's a "Yes Yes No" worthy headline for the #ReplyAll podcast if it was still around
That's a "Yes Yes No" worthy headline for the #ReplyAll podcast if it was still around
That's a "Yes Yes No" worthy headline for the #ReplyAll podcast if it was still around
This is, without a doubt, the very best reply all email of all time 🤣💖
Please believe me when I say that physicians would really appreciate it if everyone would #GetVaccinated #WearAMask #StayHome during this ongoing #pandemic of #COVID #RSV #Influenza
#ReplyAll #Email #EmailFail #Pediatrics #tweetiatrician #tootiatrician #LOL
#getvaccinated #WearAMask #stayhome #pandemic #COVID #rsv #influenza #replyall #Email #emailfail #pediatrics #tweetiatrician #tootiatrician #lol