At the #Risk of being one of those #GodsAwful #ReplyGuys; your #MastodonFeed remains one of my #MostFavourite...
Your #Candour is a #Joy to #Behold...
Rarely a #DayGoesBy when I'm not #Delighted we "met" (albeit #Virtually) via the #MastodonSpyBalloon...
#Strength and #Longevity to you (and Heidi)...
🧡🐺🧡 | 🎈
#highjean #risk #godsawful #replyguys #mastodonfeed #mostfavourite #candour #joy #behold #daygoesby #delighted #virtually #mastodonspyballoon #strength #longevity
Me: complains about old white men being shitty and racist on the internet
White man: turns up to claim it is I who is racist/ageist
No, dude. No.
If you don't think #replyguys are a thing, just look at the replies to basically any toot from any vaguely popular femme mastodon user. Holy smokes, some of the replies look like they should be parodies.
Seen an #replyguy here with some legendary stats. Not a meme account. Not a mirror. Just a guy.
When i checked his account, only 1 of his 1000 posts was an actual, original post. i gotta assume the other 999 were replies/comments
People out here putting up first ballot numbers for the #replyguys hall of fame.
If someone posts something about oppression and you respond by discussing how you'd prefer their grammar to have been used, you're a useless fucking dickhead and need to delete your account.
Ok, nur mal kurz zum klar stellen, diese ganze übergriffige #mastodon belehrungsbubble wird bei mir kein zuhause finden!
Wir sind alle erwachsen und brauchen keine virtuellen missionare, die sonntags morgens an unserer troet tür klingeln, um uns über 'xy' aufzuklären und wie wir uns gefälligst zu verhalten haben.
Ihr habt ein anliegen? Dann troetet bei euch so viel ihr wollt. Die, die es interessiert, werden euch folgen. Aber hört bitte auf, ungefragt zu wo-mensplainen und seid keine #replyguys!
I'd like to better understand the problem with #ReplyGuys but I fear I am one and I'm even more sure that asking somebody who is complaining about them to explain it to me would make me one.
Why are the guys who insist that racism doesn't exist in their country always from places that have literally seen ethnic cleansing and pogroms??
Like, my guy.. come on.
#ReplyGuys #racism #whiteness #WhiteSupremacy #FuckRacism #FuckWhiteness
#replyguys #racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness
If you don't want to be called gross and misogynistic, don't say something that is gross and misogynistic.
#reproductiverights #abortion #replyguys
Today's Reply Guy tactic:
I AM AN EDUCATED MAN AND I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS POST BECAUSE IT SAYS [insert things the post definitely does not mention at all]
#whitemenwritingparagraphs #okchad #replyguys
Can someone just make ReplyGuy.Social so we can put them all in one place and then defed already??
White men who respond with "you just don't understand what I'm saying" out of disbelief that you do understand them and are pointing out they're wrong.
Why did I Read the Replies?
- A Memoir
#ReplyGuys #WellActually #MoreOfACommentThanAQuestion #SeaLioning
#replyguys #wellactually #moreofacommentthanaquestion #sealioning
Now I want to address the #ReplyGuys who are vibrating with excitement to tell me about their 1099 income, the cash money they get from their lemonade stand, the weird flow of krugerrands their relatives in South African FedEx to them twice a year, etc, that means that free file won't work for them because the IRS doesn't actually understand their finances.
That's a hard problem, all right. Luckily, there is a *very* simple answer for this: use a tax-prep service.
Every conversation I have with #ReplyGuys who I subsequently block or mute, on every microblogging site
What’s with the reply guys proposing vastly more complex solutions to a problem rather than just agreeing to do the simpler thing? Sheesh. #OutOfContext #ReplyGuys
I highly recommend the #ReplyGuys Podcast featuring our guest today @Katewillett, and Mohanad Elshieky! If you are listening to AM950Radio, you will like this podcast too! https://soundcloud.com/replyguys
It was so cool to talk to comedian @Katewillett today. We talked about comedy, how she started, her love of Shakespeare, and her super cool podcast #ReplyGuys podcast! #Spotlight Interview! https://soundcloud.com/user-587903571/kate-willett-with-matt-march-14-2023
I noticed I do a lot of replying to posts. I’m worried (after a post I read recently) that makes me “reply girl” or is it only a problem for “reply guys” #replyguys