They like to blame , but we quickly realised that the pandemic was used to explain away what was happening mid 2019.

Following the death of an unscrupulous in 2019, the began not trusting each other the overnight lending market. It was xalled a .

Billions per day were printed for the . It continued into Jan 2020, when some corrupt US moved from and .


#covid #financier #banks #repoCrisis #bankingCartel #leaders #stocks #realestate #insidertrading

Last updated 2 years ago

One last part about keeping some prices low, did you notice how they tax now, by crashing markets **when it suits them** and when they know it will do the most damage? See 2008. See that started in Sept 2019 but only after Congress was breifed on 'COVID' in Jan'2020 and after they restructured their finances did they allow any correction.

The economy is rigged. Socialism for the well-connected and a against the vast majority.

#repoCrisis #riggedsystem

Last updated 3 years ago

Amazingly, noone on that we've seen has posted a graph tracking how much money has printed for to pump up markets.

Its out there — we just can't post images.

The Central Bank Digital Slavery project continues along quite nicely.

The between people based on covid response, seem to serve as a distraction to what is actually going on.

Its not going to end well… maybe that's the point.

#socialnetworks #thefed #assetPurchases #divisions #post2016 #repoCrisis #repossessed #takingTheWorldPrivate

Last updated 3 years ago

A would work if ceteris paribus (all things remain equal), but we all know now they have a that they use to help those close to and so this is likely to be a remix of the failed .

Even years before the 2019 and ensuing thinkers were saying a would lead to , without properly addressing issues.

We need honest .

@openrisk@mastodon.green @douginamug

#flatFee #moneyPump #power #trickleDownEconomics #repoCrisis #bailouts #carbontax #financialisation #leadership #inflation #degrowth

Last updated 3 years ago

We saw it coming in 2019, when during the , they were printing tens of billions each and every day.

We must be super-geniuses!

Please forgive us, but we can't afford to waste 8 mins of our life being told by a bunch of arsehats at that the in the form of is actually a good thing.

As we assume they are, anyway (we remember the debates we would win on with pushers, before we were ).

#repoCrisis #TheEconomists #stealthTax #counterfiatCurrency #fakebook #mmt #SuspiciousActivityed

Last updated 3 years ago

Is anyone keeping track of how many billions are printed each day?

We remember in Sept 2019 when the began they were having to print tens of billions a day. At one stage it was 70 billion a day.

Inflating the currency supply so don't need to change their behaviour is how they know they're in charge.

This reached a pivotal point in 2017, when they took control of most in .

They are now free to engage in whatever conduct they like.

#repoCrisis #banks #corporateState #LandRegistries #australia

Last updated 3 years ago

Just sink a ship with on it and be the , and kleptocratic billionaire you want to see in the world…

…a world that you take private.

By the way that job you created sounds "vari" fash. Excellent. We didn't know you could invent bullshitJobs. Gold star. :P

#bankers #centralBanker #moneyPrinting #quantatativeEasing #assetPurchases #repoCrisis #liquidityInjection #fakeSellOrders #manipulatingInterestRates #highFrequencyTrading #super #thefed #titanic #fiatScams #fiatCurrency #Scamwatch

Last updated 3 years ago

@Thesamnode @LearnTribe@mastodon.social @samuraikid
The bigger problem than the forced sale of property will be that the seem to be hoping for a .

They have bought , , and possibly mercenary cops who grew weary during protests.

This appears to be what they are banking on. Signalling even. One falseflag to blame the next stockMarket crash on and they'll be off the hook again. And will watch the chaos remotely.

(see also the 2019 )

#oligarchs #civilwar #yachts #privateIslands #GeorgeFloyd #cyberattack #repoCrisis

Last updated 3 years ago

We love 's ideas.

His work alongside , to fight the in by giving some cash to everyone to spend how they need was a far cry from the idea out of the .

To be fair, since last year every pundit and his dog was waiting for this. Even before then people knew were dependant on to support the and . With close to etc.

#stevekeen #KevinRudd #gfc #australia #bailOutTheBanks #us #repoCrisis #literate #WallSt #greaterFools #ponzischeme #debtBubble #NegativeInterestRates

Last updated 5 years ago