Yes, the way was handled was akin to here in , a lot of crap no one needed.

There are stories of the establishment the and divesting from and selling etc.

Funny how when there were no masks to sell the told us we didn't need them. Anyone with half a braincell used what they could to mask up.

#COVID19 #disastercapitalism #australia #frontrunning #pandemic #innerCities #stocks #establishment #Bailout2p0 #anyExcuseWillDo #repoScandal

Last updated 4 years ago

Growth is over, seems to have come earlier than expected. To get more oil Biden will probably invade .

The pandemic has hit at the right time, they try to blame it for everything. That's what 's PM did when he declared a . He was so obvious, not a good actor.

See also last years .

Are you familiar with the ? Its an important concept that helps to explain the last few decades.

@mystik @human_dude @11112011

#peakoil #venezuela #australia #recession #repoScandal #cantilloneffect

Last updated 4 years ago

Yes. For the , it has been a most convenient crisis, affects at a much higher rate than others.

Also a great distraction from the case, criminalising .

We wrote about this recently. If memory serves our toot about the covers how power benefitting from

Seems to be an excuse for so we can be controlled from their by .

#powerElite #blackpeople #julianassange #journalism #repoScandal #COVID19 #extremeSurveillance #privateIslands #ai

Last updated 4 years ago

Its not "all" a "big conspiracy" but if you think last September's was nothing, or that can't both walk and chew gum, we think you'd be mistaken.

#repoScandal #theEpsteinBankers

Last updated 4 years ago