Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
149 followers · 503 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

One day, one decomposition
A039004: Numbers whose base-4 representation has the same number of 1's and 2's

3D graph, threejs - webGL ➡️ decompwlj.com/3Dgraph/A039004.
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️ decompwlj.com/2Dgraph500terms/

#webgl #threejs #graph #representation #base #numbers #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #maths #decompwlj

Last updated 1 year ago

Emile Dingemans ☑️ · @emiledingemans
538 followers · 1464 posts · Server mastodon.nl

Summarizing the presentation "A call for political representation of nonhuman animals - from the perspective of political theory" by Sara Alli Majid Abad at International Animal Rights Conference 2023:

Nonhuman animals can embody their desires, needs and wants. However, their interests are broadly ignored as we currently interpret knowledge from a limited human perspective.

#representation #nonhumananimals #iarc

Last updated 1 year ago

Raku.Anarchy · @greg_b
173 followers · 761 posts · Server climatejustice.social

BBC News - Voice referendum: Lies fuel racism ahead of Australia's Indigenous vote

and and

#reparations #representation #sharedpower

Last updated 1 year ago

Pierre SUCHET · @pierresuchet
13 followers · 4 posts · Server mapstodon.space

C'est la rentrée et les cafés géo organisés par La Géothèque reprennent !
RDV le 18 sept à 19h au Periscope (13, rue Delandine - Lyon 2) pour un café géo sur le thème des rivières urbaines, avec Pierre Suchet, photographe et Marylise Cottet, chercheuse CNRS en géographie sociale.
Venez nombreux☕️🗺️!!

#rivieres #urbaines #urbanite #ville #eau #paysage #representation #cartographie

Last updated 1 year ago

Os estaréis preguntando... ¿qué problema había con la portada de David Lafuente? ¿El beso de la derecha?

No, que algunos libreros de EEUU no querían exponer una portada donde se viese una pareja gay cariñosa.

¿Qué pareja gay, preguntáis?

ESTA pareja gay.

La verdad es que es un consuelo descubrir cuánto han cambiado las cosas en 13-14 años.

Ojalá quedarnos así, o incluso mejorar más.

#gay #representation #comicbook #marvel #dc #robin #timdrake #ultimatecomics #spiderman #davidlafuente

Last updated 1 year ago

Wait, me acabo de percatar de que salió esta portada de la serie "Tim Drake: Robin" en 2022 y... ¿Y NO PASÓ NADA?

Perdonad mi emoción, pero os recuerdo que, en 2009, se montó una polémica de la hostia por la portada de David Lafuente de Ult. Comics Spiderman #15.

#gay #representation #comicbook #marvel #dc #robin #timdrake #ultimatecomics #spiderman #davidlafuente

Last updated 1 year ago

Fool's Moon Entertainment · @foolsmoon
63 followers · 99 posts · Server dice.camp

Representation in gaming 🤘
Trans-masc orc. Because despite appearances, humans don't have a corner on the alt-gender market.
Look for him and more in Paragon, a 5e supplement book and tarot deck, due out early next year!
Preorder it here: paragon.backerkit.com/hosted_p

#ttrpgfamily #ttrpg #representation #transgender #DnD #orc #gaming #tabletoprpg #backerkit

Last updated 1 year ago

Just wanted to say, I watched the first season of 's recent adaptation of , and it was awesome. Some of the best I've ever seen, and I especially appreciated the careful of culture and people. I tried to write something like that many years ago, but wasn't sure I could pull it off.

I especially liked how they handled the "witch", and her "powers". Very low key.

#nativeamerican #navajo #representation #policedrama #horror #mystery #murder #darkwinds #amc

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
371 followers · 13291 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
371 followers · 13191 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
369 followers · 13153 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
367 followers · 13125 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
367 followers · 13091 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Rob Carlson · @vees
1327 followers · 3063 posts · Server epistolary.org
Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
367 followers · 13084 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
367 followers · 13071 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
367 followers · 13021 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
367 followers · 13012 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca

One of the reasons why people feel so much from is that no relevant connections are offered for their lives.

We need to think beyond , , and when we think about of scientific . , , and are relevant applications as well, and often more personal to people who feel alienated from science as we know it.

Nuclear physics feels more relevant when you're talking about Geiger counters being used to assess accident sites than when you're talking about them being used at bomb testing sites, even though the physics is essentially the same. Biochemistry feels more relevant when you're talking about water testing to monitor aquatic ecosystems for toxins than when you're talking about quality control for PepsiCo, even if you're talking about pH testing in both cases. Astronomy feels more relevant when you're talking about beautiful, profound JWST images that taught you something that amazed you about the universe we live in, than when it's a simple list of "fun facts" about galaxies. Chemistry feels more relevant when you get to try an experiment yourself in different ways, than when you're watching someone else do it formulaically.

Because one directly impacts people's lives for the better in meaningful ways, and the other causes harm, exists only for profit, or is totally abstract. One involves the and of the learner with their own , and the other is being lectured to by someone who thinks they know what's "really" important.

If you want to more people in and science, ask them . Emphasize the of science, don't treat it as a set of established . Engage with of and in your field, as well as work. And find ways to make your work felt positively in people's lives. Change what a is, and what science is for.

#alienation #science #industry #government #engineering #practical #applications #research #philosophy #politics #art #active #participation #engagement #curiosity #interest #learning #questions #process #facts #issues #representation #ethics #interdisciplinary #scientist

Last updated 1 year ago

GryphonSK · @GryphonSK
276 followers · 3079 posts · Server techhub.social