In today's #ise2023 lecture, we discussed neural networks, from the very simply McCulloch-Pitts Neuron up to Convolutional Neural Networks and Generative Adversarial Networks. A lot of content for only 90 minutes of lecture ;-)
#machinelearning #deeplearning #representationlearning #knowledgegraphs #graphembeddings #embeddings #lecture @fizise @enorouzi #aiart #stablediffusionart
#ise2023 #machinelearning #deeplearning #representationlearning #KnowledgeGraphs #graphembeddings #embeddings #lecture #aiart #stablediffusionart
Hi everybody #introduction, this is FIZ ISE (Information Service Engineering) research group at #FIZKarlsruhe and #AIFB/KIT, switching from the birdcage to this lovely new environment. We will be tooting about our latest research in #semanticweb #knowledgegraph #deeplearning #knowledgeextraction #researchdatamanagement #representationlearning #semanticsearch #exploratorysearch and many more.
Application areas: #culturalheritage #digitalhumanities #materialsscience
#datascience #mathematics #ai
#Introduction #fizkarlsruhe #aifb #semanticweb #knowledgegraph #deeplearning #knowledgeextraction #researchdatamanagement #representationlearning #SemanticSearch #exploratorysearch #culturalheritage #digitalhumanities #materialsscience #DataScience #mathematics #ai
Hi everyone!
I'm a PhD student in the Learning and Reasoning group at the VU Amsterdam.
I'm interested in the intersection between RL and causality. Specifically, my research interests include: model-based RL, causal discovery, causal inference, and representation learning.
Curious to meet you all here.
#Introduction #rl #mbrl #causality #machinelearning #representationlearning #ai
#Introduction #rl #mbrl #causality #machinelearning #representationlearning #ai
Hi everyone!
I'm a PhD student in the Learning and Reasoning group at the VU Amsterdam.
I'm interested in the intersection between RL and causality. Specifically, my research interests include: model-based RL, causal discovery, causal inference, and representation learning.
Curious to meet you all here.
#Introduction #rl #mbrl #causality #machinelearning #representationlearning #ai
#Introduction #rl #mbrl #causality #machinelearning #representationlearning #ai
Looking to follow (and be followed!) #mlbio #bioml #biotech #bayes #bayesian #generativemodels #startup #startups #medicine #biology #representationlearning #techbio #immunology #neurips #icml #iclr #cambridge #nyc
#mlbio #bioml #biotech #bayes #bayesian #GenerativeModels #startup #startups #medicine #biology #representationlearning #techbio #immunology #neurips #icml #iclr #cambridge #nyc