How long until each news headline is followed by "This story brought to you by Alka-Seltzer" ?
#reproach #neutral #independent #objective
A lost memory is all it would take.
To shatter my world and bring me to my knees.
Broken ice flows and a broken man now exist.
Now in willful ignorance I will not partake,
Avoiding the truth is a temporary please,
I reproach my past self for my remiss.
#mastopromt #broken #reproach #vista
My mind was once a serene lake,
I would swim through my memories,
Soak in their goodness, and reminisce.
Life engulfed the vista in heartache,
The placid water started to freeze,
My bliss was now my personal abyss.
Learning to ice skate was my mistake,
Memories of good times began to leave.,
Yet it made bad times easier to dismiss.
#mastopromt #broken #reproach #vista
Usually, my patience is beyond reproach.
Like a wet fuse, I can sputter, but never
Even though, sometimes I have a bad day
and someone ignites that bomb, and
Into tears.
#MastoPrompt #reproach
Millard has tried to heed his father’s #reproach
“You are weak, Millard. You are susceptible to the wiles of loose women and libation. You have no self-discipline,” his father had said in a searing lecture that May morning when he was summarily dispatched to Boston University to study economics.
“Make something of yourself,” his father had said. “Prove you are worthy.”
Millard could feel the heat on his face even after all these months.
#HiramFalls #wip #MastoPrompt #reproach
My god, and
Literally so
You’d think we
Were Catholic
The way you
Monastically intone
Project and hurl
The improperia
Like guided
Sent to wound
Subdue and silence
You ever and
Always however
Beyond reproach
Immaculate perfect
Beautifully proper
I used this knowing
Both for and against you
That time you
Broke your hip
Came to live with me
Those half dozen months
In periodic throes
Of dementia I watched you
Suffer delirium tremens
Regain most of your mind
As I cooked for
Cleaned up after
Ferried you to
Guided you through
Various therapies
You’d get your back up
Willfully from time to time
I would need only remind you
How smart you were
How elegant and graceful
How accomplished
You’d shape shift
Right before our eyes
Recalcitrant to accommodating
Puffed up and swelling
Effrontery pointing outward
Ingested transmuted
Alchemically became
A magic potion
By all the gods
You were something
@tanweer dar
Tuesday 17 January 2023
#SmallPoems #Poetry #MicroFiction #SmallStories
#MastoPrompt #reproach #smallpoems #poetry #microfiction #smallstories
Science rolls on,
Beyond human control.
Mindless of consequence,
Absent of soul.
Great minds, mob minds,
Seeing only the goal.
But around every corner,
More goals to behold.
Destroyers of worlds.
Enrichers of Kings.
Do you think of the pain,
Your little toys bring?
Does anyone think
“This place is nice”.
Here would be good
To live out a life.
The should lost in would
while chasing the could.
Thoughtless of democracy.
Thoughtless of good.
So are we the cats,
curiosity kills.
Regretting, reproaching
While writing our wills.
#poetry #Poem
#MastoPrompt #Reproach
For more follow @Swan
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#reproach #poetry #poem #MastoPrompt
In the shadows, the cold is remorseless and
Full of reproach. 'Go away,' it says, 'and
Find the sun on this crisp morning. Don't
Linger here in the dark. Go, and leave me
Alone.' I can't find the way out of this
Forest of melancholy, and don't want the
Light to find my eyes and blind me with
The defined and sharp contours of reality.
I sit on the snow by the icy tree, and close
My eyes and ears. No more...
#MastoPrompt #reproach #SmallPoems #Poetry #MicroFiction #SmallStories
#smallstories #microfiction #poetry #smallpoems #reproach #MastoPrompt
On the bed, old man's morning stretches,
I close my eyes, and the years wind back,
All those empty days, and the board games
On top of the wardrobe. I reproach myself
For all the lost hours and afternoons I have closed
Myself away from my children to do
Nothing more than write my imaginations
On to lots of bits of paper.
#MastoPrompt #reproach #SmallPoems #Poetry #MicroFiction #SmallStories
#smallstories #microfiction #poetry #smallpoems #reproach #MastoPrompt
For all the love we gave Donny
His absentmindedness regularly earned reproach
Donny lived in the world moment by moment
his innocence so easily overlooked
Despite the certainty of Walter
and the blitzkrieg of his invectives
Donny lived until he could live no more
Et Tu, Tu?
If to be beyond even the most mild and lovingly intended criticism is to be beyond #reproach, then why see reproach an anything other than a helping hand? Some see reproach of any kind as an unkindness, as scorn. This reflects our inability to take to heart constructive critique. Makes us defend our thoughts, words, deeds as sacrosanct, as unquestionable, as undeniable truths. This is the hubris that brings us low, that binds us in Marley’s chains.
#MastoPrompt #smallpoems #poetry #reproach
motive shapes destiny
fear's intensity overwhelms
so we hate correction's shame
blinded to what care might
lurk beneath the sneering mask
yet we find ourselves delighted
when love's gentle reproach
affirms our worth
by correcting our path
"You sir, are not above #reproach," the lawyer told him, he looked nervous all the same. The former president had been gagged to prevent his abilities.
The defendant's lawyer stood and cleared his throat. He looked at the jury before beginning his argument.
"While unethical, one has to admit that this science will pave way for a new understanding of 'forced compliance through speech patterns', particularly, as my client is concerned, in the arena of politics..."
Politics once one could only approach
If their behavior was beyond #reproach
Since the '80s, someone changed the deal
Malignant narcissists have grabbed the wheel
They've tried to split the country in twain
And some of them are just bat shit insane
Commingling what makes a country great
With penalties against groups that they hate
Weaponizing divisions between classes
While showing the rest of the world their asses
#reproach #mastoprompt #poetry #smallpoems
My haiku skills are
Beyond reproach, I tell ya’
Five, seven, five, right?
#reproach #MastoPrompt #haiku #smallpoems
Reproach - an Acrostic
Resentment boils deep
Endlessly replaying
Perhaps you could explain
Reason your way out of it
Only you could hurt me this way
And you did, relentlessly
Can I ever forgive you?
How can you expect me to?
#MastoPrompt #reproach #poetry
#Reproach x2
TO BE VERY CLEAR the following 2 poems were written in a minute by an artificial intelligence instructed to:
Write a poem using the prompt 'Reproach'.
Reproach, a word that cuts like a knife,
A feeling that grips and causes strife.
It's the voice in our head that won't let us be,
The constant reminder of what we couldn't see.
It's the guilt that we carry, the shame that we bear,
The moments we wish we could have been aware.
It's the mistakes that we've made, and the bridges we've burned,
The words that we spoke, that forever have turned.
But reproach is not just a negative thing,
It's a chance to learn, to grow and to sing.
It's a reminder of who we want to be,
And the person we need to set ourselves free.
So let reproach be a guide on your way,
A signpost to lead you to a brighter day.
For though it may hurt, and cause you to grieve,
It's the only path to true peace and reprieve.
#reproach #chatgpt #poetry #poem #MastoPrompt
#Reproach x2
TO BE VERY CLEAR the following 2 poems were written in a minute by an artificial intelligence instructed to:
Write a poem using the prompt 'Reproach'.
Reproach, a bitter pill to swallow,
A weight on the heart, a pain to follow.
It's the voice of the past, that echoes in the mind,
Reminding us of the choices we left behind.
It's the guilt and the shame, that stains the soul,
The regret and the sorrow, that takes its toll.
It's the missed opportunities, and the wasted time,
The paths not taken, and the climb.
But reproach is not just a negative thing,
It's a teacher, a guide, a bell that can ring.
It's the voice that tells us, to try again, To rise from the ashes, and be a better man.
So let reproach be a motivator, not a breaker,
A push to improve, not a condemnation maker.
For though it may sting, and cause us to weep,
It's the only way, to true redemption to seek.
#poetry #Poem
#MastoPrompt #Reproach
PS. I’ll write tomorrow but today I’m
Reproaching those that destroyed the world where creativity clearly was human.
#reproach #chatgpt #poetry #poem #MastoPrompt
I hadn't spoken to him in 10 years, and I wasn't sorry that this was the case. He was a stubborn and obtuse man, who thought he was beyond reproach, never being reflective enough to realise that years of anguish would eventually take their toll on the people he was meant to love and care for.
We had an argument, but it wasn't just a little tiff. He couldn't see the years of hurt and anger that had been simmering beneath the surface. The pain inside me ran deep. But I had enough, and just because I had to endure this as a child and as a teenager, I was older and wiser now. I would protect myself and my family, no matter the cost.
I did not have to subject myself and my children to his hysterical outbursts. I did not have to deal with not knowing what would happen from day to day when the slightest thing would tip him into a fit of rage. I did not have to deal with his duplicitous and disingenuous behaviour, and watch my siblings be afraid. I deserved better than this, and I would never be subject to this again.
He left that day, and I was grateful.
#MastoPrompt #reproach #shortstory