Dan Drake · @ddrake
57 followers · 323 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Goofing around with Julia and Pluto notebooks, and...this is what I always wanted Jupyter notebooks to be.

I'm having a total galaxy-brain moment: Pluto notebooks seem ideal for...everything. From:

"I want to do spreadsheet-y things to calculate my personal budget, but I want something with a nicer UI than a grid of cells"


"I want to write a simple document that has some math-y or code-y content"


"I am teaching a class and want to give students an interactive document"


"I am presenting research and want to make an interactive document that makes it easy to verify my work and fiddle with it". (For example, see mathstodon.xyz/@dimpase/110287 -- wouldn't it be nice if the original paper had such a document, and folks right away found the error in Lemma 4?)

#galaxybrain #teaching #reproducibileresearch #jupyter #pluto #julia

Last updated 1 year ago