"Domestic Abusers Are Using Abortion Bans to Control Their Victims"
"… the [NDVH] saw a 99% increase in callers reporting that people were trying to control their reproductive choices."
"… until the 19th century, abortion was generally available up until what’s known as the 'quickening,' or when the fetus can be felt to move. That typically occurs well into the second trimester of pregnancy." #reproductiveChoice #USPolitics #RoeVWade #abortion #health https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy3yny/abortion-bans-domestic-abusers
#health #abortion #RoevWade #uspolitics #reproductivechoice
Domestic Abusers Are Using Abortion Bans to Control Their Victims — After Roe v. Wade fell, the National Domestic Violence Hotline saw a 99-percent increase in callers reporting that people were trying to control their reproductive choices.
#DomesticAbuse #ReproductiveChoice #AbortionBans #Control #Victims #RoevWade #Politics #News
#domesticabuse #reproductivechoice #abortionbans #control #victims #roevwade #politics #news
@slcw #TimScott & #NikkiHaley would oppress American girls of every color equally. #SCGOP
#reproductivechoice #scgop #nikkihaley #TimScott
RT @DrMarthaGulati
🗣 Tell your #birthcontrol story to help make the pill over-the-counter!
💊 The FDA will decide soon + sharing your birth control journey can help.
#WomensRights #reproductivechoice #birthcontrol
Click to share your story: https://thepillotc.org/storybank-prompt
#birthcontrol #womensrights #reproductivechoice
Let’s honor #InternationalWomensDay by recognizing the 2 most important ways #women & #girls are empowered across the globe: #Education & #birthcontrol / #ReproductiveChoice. Let’s FUND the former, & in the #US, let’s PUSH BACK on #Walgreens helping to take the latter away. #AbortionISHealthcare
#abortionishealthcare #walgreens #US #reproductivechoice #birthcontrol #Education #girls #women #InternationalWomensDay
Doctors in Nova Scotia need to stop denying childfree women their bodies autonomy. It is unethical to deny us the surgical procedures we desire. #childfree #childfreebychoice #doctors #reproductivechoice #reproductiverights #novascotia
#childfree #childfreebychoice #doctors #reproductivechoice #reproductiverights #novascotia