#publichealth #reproductivemedicine Women taking #NSAIDs in combination with hormonal contraception are at an increased risk of blood clots, In this study ‘NSAIDs’ were used by 529,704 women together w hormonal contraception, ibuprofen (60%), diclofenac (20%) & naproxen (6%).
#publichealth #reproductivemedicine #NSAIDS
#IDMastodon #Reproductivemedicine Men experience a long-term drop in semen quality after #COVID19 – even if the infection was mild . #SARSCOV2 decreased sperm counts for more than 3 months and the sperm they do produce is less able to swim
📌 https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/study-sperm-counts-decline-even-after-mild-covid-infections @cidrap
📌 https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/993399 @eurekalert
#IDMastodon #reproductivemedicine #COVID19 #SarsCoV2
Abortion Clinics And Misleading Google Maps [geoethics]
https://ethicalgeo.org/abortion-clinics-and-misleading-google-maps/ <-- shared GeoEthics article
https://www.businessinsider.com/google-maps-searches-abortion-services-trigger-abortion-fake-clincs-2022-6 <-- shared media article
“[A] new analysis by Bloomberg has found the [Google Maps] platform routinely misleads people searching for abortion providers and clinics. When users search the words “abortion clinic” in Google Maps, nearly a quarter of the top 10 search results, on average and across all 50 states including Washington D.C., belong to crisis pregnancy centers. Crisis pregnancy centers, or CPCs, are a type of non-medical organizations with a mission to encourage women to go through with their unwanted pregnancies…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Google #GoogleMaps #inaccurate #false #ethics #geoethics #ethicsmatters #ethicalbusiness #ethicsmatters #ethicalresearch #maps #abortion #abortionclinics #accessibility #CPC #reproductivehealth #searchengines #reproductivemedicine #womanhealth #publichealth #publicsafety #people #share #medical
#gis #spatial #mapping #google #googlemaps #inaccurate #false #ethics #geoethics #ethicsmatters #ethicalbusiness #ethicalresearch #Maps #abortion #abortionclinics #accessibility #CPC #reproductivehealth #searchengines #reproductivemedicine #womanhealth #publichealth #publicsafety #people #share #medical
New Yorker: A New Phase in the Rollback of Abortion Access https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/a-new-phase-in-the-rollback-of-abortion-access #NewYorker #FoodandDrugAdministration(F.D.A.) #ReproductiveMedicine #News/DailyComment #AbortionRights #Women’sRights #Judiciary
#newyorker #foodanddrugadministration #reproductivemedicine #news #abortionrights #women #judiciary
New Yorker: The Disastrous Potential of the Texas Abortion-Pill Ruling https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/the-disastrous-potential-of-the-texas-abortion-pill-ruling #NewYorker #ReproductiveMedicine #AbortionRights #Miscarriages #News/Q.&A. #HealthCare #Abortion
#newyorker #reproductivemedicine #abortionrights #miscarriages #news #healthcare #abortion
Gene editing's a blessing and curse
It can provide blessings or make things much worse
We should hope the two don't collide
And that's the way that human health will survive
For profit and values can not coincide
For our health must prevail and abide
#geneediting #reproductivemedicine #humanhealth #equity #diversity #poetry
#geneediting #reproductivemedicine #humanhealth #equity #diversity #poetry
#Publichhealth #Prenatalcare #reproductivemedicine
High levels of Prenatal Alcohol Expoure during pregnancy can have significant adverse associations with a child's health development resulting in recognisably abnormal facial development. @ESHRE @OUPMedicine
📌 https://academic.oup.com/humrep/advance-article/doi/10.1093/humrep/dead006/7035056?login=false
📌 https://academic.oup.com/humrep/issue
#PublichHealth #prenatalcare #reproductivemedicine
So proud to be a part of this incredible group 🤩
RT @MaleGermCells
Happy #WomeninScienceDay! On 11 February, #CRU326 celebrates its female scientists for their major contributions to advancing knowledge in #ReproductiveMedicine. It's time to close the #GenderGap in science!
#InternationalDayofWomenandGirlsinScience #WomenInScience
#womeninscienceday #CRU326 #reproductivemedicine #gendergap #internationaldayofwomenandgirlsinscience #womeninscience
RT @BMSatWarwick@twitter.com
We are recruiting 2 Assistant Professors #ReproductiveMedicine – check out the recruitment brochure https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/med/research/biomedical/work/bms_recruitment_brochure_-_assistant_professor_x2-final.pdf @BMSatWarwick@twitter.com @warwickmed@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BMSatWarwick/status/1603716380657741824
The November edition of RBMO Insights is now published - the monthly newsletter I have been developing for Reproductive Biomedicine Online.
This edition features a selection of Countercurrent articles to mark the first full year of the journals' forum for airing rigorously argued, academically framed controversial positions in #ReproductiveMedicine #IVF #ART and #gynecology
#reproductivemedicine #ivf #art #gynecology
"ICYMI: I’ve been in #Twitter Jail for sharing the official WHO protocol for medication abortion, which Twitter says is “promoting self-harm.” I’m a public health scientist with expertise in medication abortion—and the National Academies have a consensus report on its HIGH safety."
#healthcare #Reproductivemedicine #WomensRights #Abortion
#twitter #healthcare #reproductivemedicine #womensrights #abortion
#Reproductivemedicine verifications and authorizations are an essential part of providing treatment for insured seeking #fertility treatment. https://bit.ly/3oKyOXQ
#reproductivemedicine #fertility