Could you share where this happened? Haven't seen any news about this yet.
If you have a few dollars, you might want to toss it toward the ACLU, because this fuckery is going to the courts.
#womensrights #reproductiverightsarehumanrights #WeAreNotChattel
#womensrights #reproductiverightsarehumanrights #wearenotchattel
Holding her newborn on #TikTok, Georgia mom of 2: @fletcher_lt
"Storytime, insurance won’t let me get an I[U]D because of "sanctity of life"."
"#Conservatives keep telling us they’re not coming for birth control, yet they don’t do much to hide what a total and complete lie that is." - Jessica Valenti
Much like everything they do. 🤔
Watch what they do and not what they say.
#ReproductiveHealth #WomensRights #WomensHealth #Reproduction #BirthControl #ProChoice #ReproductiveRightsAreHumanRights
#politics #tiktok #conservatives #reproductivehealth #womensrights #womenshealth #reproduction #birthcontrol #prochoice #reproductiverightsarehumanrights
Evil Is Itinerant
I'm the opposite of a murderer: I unstab people to life with my anti-knife.
I work in #theater, used to work in #computers as a #programmer, sometimes I #AmWriting and I dabble in #TTRPGs.
When my ADHD allows it, I love to read. #Fantasy is my jam but I enjoy a good #Mystery.
#BLM, #ACAB, #ADHD, #LGBTQIAdjacent, #NoTerfs, #NaziPunksFuckOff, #LandBack, #Leftist, #DisabledRights, #EatTheRich, #TransRightsAreHumanRights, #SexWorkIsWork #ReproductiveRightsAreHumanRights
#follow #following #boost #followfriday #altext
Cascades Panorama by Car J Shoemaker
#theater #computers #programmer #amwriting #ttrpgs #fantasy #mystery #blm #acab #adhd #lgbtqiadjacent #noterfs #nazipunksfuckoff #Landback #leftist #disabledrights #eattherich #transrightsarehumanrights #sexworkiswork #reproductiverightsarehumanrights #follow #following #boost #followfriday #altext
Evil Is Itinerant
I'm the opposite of a murderer: I unstab people to life with my anti-knife.
I work in #theater, used to work in #computers as a #programmer, sometimes I #AmWriting and I dabble in #TTRPGs.
When my ADHD allows it, I love to read. #Fantasy is my jam but I enjoy a good #Mystery.
#BLM, #ACAB, #ADHD, #LGBTQIAdjacent, #NoTerfs, #NaziPunksFuckOff, #LandBack, #Leftist, #DisabledRights, #EatTheRich, #TransRightsAreHumanRights, #SexWorkIsWork #ReproductiveRightsAreHumanRights
#follow #following #boost #followfriday #Gimp #nikon #macro #CatsOfMastodon #cat
#theater #computers #programmer #amwriting #ttrpgs #fantasy #mystery #blm #acab #adhd #lgbtqiadjacent #noterfs #nazipunksfuckoff #Landback #leftist #disabledrights #eattherich #transrightsarehumanrights #sexworkiswork #reproductiverightsarehumanrights #follow #following #boost #followfriday #gimp #nikon #macro #CatsOfMastodon #cat
@mirandayaver This makes my blood boil. Lawyers/Judges are not doctors. Do they have any understanding of physiology or fetal development? Even a surgical abortion is safer than vaginal birth and especially cesarean section. But they don’t really care about the safety of the pregnant person, do they? #reproductiverightsarehumanrights