#Jim_Jordan allowed the witnesses to scurry away. Like rats, like cowards. #RepStephenLynch #jordanCommittee
Waste of money. What a waste of money. Like Jim Jordan has all the time and money in the world to take us down conspiracy rabbit holes.
#jordancommittee #repstephenlynch #jim_jordan
Thank you @DWStweets #RepStephenLynch #StaceyPlaskett calling out #Jim_Jordan for his cowardice allowing the 'witnesses' to flee, coward-like without taking any questions after their incendiary opening statements.
What a circus. What chaos. Thank you for sitting through that. #jordancommittee #disinformation
What a waster of time and money.
#Disinformation #jordancommittee #jim_jordan #staceyplaskett #repstephenlynch