Thinking about friends and the world. Common saying among the #Reptiloid #Continuance on a death is, "the universe has done the work". Some say, "nobody mourns the splashing of the waves".
Hello to language-users across time and space from #Reptiloid #Continuance! Important news on relationships with mammals: Attaché @groovemd is warm and/or snuggly today.
Sometimes people who happen to be voices in my head ask me, "Why do you boost so many pictures of #birds? Aren't you a #lizard?"
Is because it is important to know which birds are not likely to eat lizards like me, and especially which birds are scary to other birds. If birds are too scared to chirp, I should be very, very careful.
Learn up on your predators! What direction do they strike from? What sounds do they make? Try keeping a journal!
Another #psa from the #Reptiloid #Continuance !
#birds #lizard #psa #reptiloid #continuance
Untrügliches Zeichen, ob jemand ein #reptiloid ist.
Reptilien sind Kaltblüter.
Sie tun also alles dafür, dass sich das Klima auf der Erde erwärmt.
Sie steuern dies über Verbrennung von Öl und Kohle (ähnlich wie wir es mit unseren Öfen machen) und leugnen den Klimawandel.
I love where I live. This part of town is just magical. Yours is too, I expect. Good times to you until then. #albuquerque #Reptiloid #ambassador #photography
#albuquerque #reptiloid #ambassador #photography
Ember laid her second clutch today! Maybe bebbies? We'll find out within two months! The #Reptiloid #Continuance continues! #beardeddragon #pets #nature
#reptiloid #continuance #beardeddragon #pets #nature
Admittedly, #human #genetics is very impressive. But self wonders when will we get fruit flies that actually taste like fruit? That would be awesome!
Maybe is in #Reptiloid tech tree? Hope we #lizards unlock that!
#human #genetics #reptiloid #lizards
Hey #Reptiloid #Continuance like-selves! Here is where @groovemd put metal nail #artifact. Right where posts come together. Good for #science things like compasses and lightning. Just in case you want one!
#reptiloid #continuance #artifact #science
Wow! Humans now have big #maps to the little brains inside #food! #Reptiloid #Continuance science division: take note!
#maps #food #reptiloid #continuance
@GreenSkyOverMe @futurebird Pickleself is ready to explore any and all evolutionary traits in order to serve #Reptiloid #Continuance . Please add self to mailing list. Am not robot.
@Taweret Self believes that the #Reptiloid #Continuance has already and fully addressed the experimental nature of the flight technology in question, and further rebukes the notion that Reptiloids have refused entry to Transtemporal Nonaggression Pact Inspectors. This weather balloon was merely off course through freak events common to this pre-federated era.
@seanbala Kyle Hill produce good videos called Half Life Histories. Lots about Chernobyl, all focus on bizarre accidents in nuclear research. Pickle favorite is about Russian scientist who accidentally stuck head into active particle accelerator beam.
Useful prep for developing #Reptiloid #Continuance energy policy. Once we get fire, atoms next!
@XanIndigo Pickleself finds this all very interesting! #Reptiloid #evolution very important at this stage of establishing intergalactic civilization. Any tips on how to evolve #lizard kind? We hope for strong telepathy gene by mid 3000's. Time travel not far after that!
@666k9s Considering adding hammocks to #Reptiloid #Continuance charter as inalienable right, once all figure out what "inalienable" means.
@mosschievous @loren As Ambassador of #Reptiloid #Continuance , is very glad to share special turtle day with you!
@raurquiz @trekcore Is favorite episode. Required watching at #Reptiloid #Ambassador college, along with many PSAs about how not to start inadvertent war with Humans. Good curriculum. Pickleself got a B on final exams.
@andyhagon Is good agenda. Will consider for presentation at next #Reptiloid #Continuance council.
Is big day outside! Day for 🔆sun baking🔆, cozy blankets. Glad to be inside. Brr.
Many cheerings for Human wall technology! This is high on list of diplomatic plusses for #Reptiloid people. Will need for future civilization.
In #Irkutsk, #Russia, an alcohol-abusing fan of conspiracy theories killed and dismembered his wife because he suspected she was a #reptiloid. The murderer himself died in hospital five days after the incident.
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