Skeptoid #46: Support Your Local Reptoid by Brian Dunning #reptoids #reptilians #davidicke #grayaliens #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot The conspiracy theory that reptilian beings control our governments has a fascinating history.
#reptoids #reptilians #davidicke #grayaliens #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
I just watched episode 1 of season 2 of #InsideJob and I have too say #ICP4Life woot woot! If the rest of the season is this good it will be awesome.
#Netflix #YesWeRand #CognitoInc #Illuminate #Reptoids #Atlanteans #CatholicChurch #Joogaloos
#insidejob #icp4life #netflix #yeswerand #cognitoinc #illuminate #reptoids #atlanteans #catholicchurch #joogaloos #reptoids shift to slits
eyeshift 100 years before cgi... #reptoids shift to slits
eyeshift 100 years before cgi...