nanowiz · @nanowiz
49 followers · 910 posts · Server

defunct LLC on Clarence's tax docs

If government criminals had a "D" behind their name, would be able to see the crimes and 'til they just can't no more

#monday #GQP #benghazi #republicanliesgowayback #republicanslie

Last updated 2 years ago

nanowiz · @nanowiz
49 followers · 910 posts · Server

Did you happen to catch George the II last week at a speaking engagement. he was referring to the illegal invasion of Ukraine and misspoke and said iraq, referring to his own war crimes!

The only person to go to prison that I'm aware of was Lindy English! Paul wolfowitz, John Ashcroft, dickbag Cheney and George w should all have their asses incarcerated!

#warcrimes #republicanliesgowayback #accountability

Last updated 2 years ago