Because Kevin McCarthy is unfit to lead. #RepublicansInRuin #KevinMcCarthyIsALoser #RepublicanClownShow
McCarthy Has No Regrets About Tuckerβs Access To Jan. 6 Security Footage Amid GOP Backlash 08-MAR-2023
#republicanclownshow #kevinmccarthyisaloser #republicansinruin
#MAGAmeltdown #MAGAMoron #RepublicansInRuin #RepublicanHouseClownShow #TrumpIsDone #TrumpCoupAttempt #qanon
#magameltdown #magamoron #republicansinruin #republicanhouseclownshow #trumpisdone #trumpcoupattempt #qanon
Rep. George Santos is yet another Republican who seems more like a cartoon villain than a real person. You lied, time to be held accountable and resign #RepublicansInRuin
Joy Behar KNOWS that the #TrumpCrimeFamily are crooks. It's already been proven in court.
#TrumpTreason #TrumpTaxes #TrumpIsALaughingStock
#RepublicansInDisarray #RepublicansInRuin
#trumpcrimefamily #trumptreason #trumptaxes #trumpisalaughingstock #republicansindisarray #republicansinruin
Disheveled Republicans scramble to finalize new House rules #RepublicansInRuin
Gaetz was asked why he reversed course on McCarthy and he answered, "I ran out of things I could even imagine to ask for." Frightening to think of the MAGA morons having influence over our nation. #McCarthyDisaster #RepublicansInRuin
#mccarthydisaster #republicansinruin
It's perfect.
Meanwhile, Dems are organized and united, waiting for the drama to pass so they can get back to doing real work.
@AgentCarter_SSR @Karoli I like what Rep. Jayapal just said to Lawrence OβDonnell. #RepublicansInRuin
At this point, the best chance to elect a Speaker would be a dance-off.Β Last person standing wins. Or maybe all the nominees could hold on to the podium, like they do at the "win a car" contests.
#speakerofthehouse #republicansinruin
This #SpeakerVote is going to keep going until getting a cable news interview proves to be more difficult than getting that damn gavel...
#speakervote #republicansinruin
One of my frustrations about #Mastodon is that my asshat representative, Congressman Andy Harris (#MD01) isn't on this platform. I'd love the chance to publicly tag him for being a massive #asshat. #RepAndyHarris #SpeakerOfTheHouseVote #RepublicansInRuin #Shame
#Mastodon #md01 #asshat #repandyharris #speakerofthehousevote #republicansinruin #shame
I get the feeling that there is another shoe to drop in regards to J6, something we don't know about yet that will only be uncovered by a thorough investigation by Jack Smith - who can compel testimony and demand compliance when the J6 comittee could not - which is why this handful of MAGA are throwing a wrench in the Speaker vote. Many of them asked for pardons. And they are ignoring Trump to save their own asses. #RepublicansInRuin #speaker #clownshow #j6 #sedition #maga #gop #mccarthy
#mccarthy #gop #MAGA #sedition #J6 #clownshow #speaker #republicansinruin
McCarthy just lost his 8th vote for Speaker. This is giving the phrase "shit show" a whole new meaning.
This cartoon gets more apt by the minute. #McCarthy #RepublicansInRuin #KevinMcCarthy #CartoonArt #Cartoon #Satire
#mccarthy #republicansinruin #kevinmccarthy #cartoonart #cartoon #satire
The clusterfuck that is the
caucus' attempts to elect a #Speakerofthehouse is reaching historic proportions of ineptitude.
The GOP is past disarray. because something in disarray can (theoretically) be fixed.
#speakerofthehouse #republicansinruin
@pivoinebleue Has he been officially dismissed from Congress yet? #RepublicansInRuin
What does the #SpeakerOfTheHouse position pay? Curious minds wanna know.
#Politics #republicansinruin #gop #speakerofthehouse
Another completely wasted day in the House of Representatives. What does one day of the House operations cost us taxpayers? #housespeaker #republicansinruin #republicanmajority
#housespeaker #republicansinruin #republicanmajority