El 11 de agosto de 1976 nace el compositor Jesse Harlin.
On August 11, 1976, composer Jesse Harlin was born.
#StarWars #JesseHarlin #RepublicCommando #StarWarsTheOldRepublic
#starwarstheoldrepublic #republiccommando #jesseharlin #starwars
It's a Star Wars sort of week on the channel this week....
Mo - #SWTOR - Anarchy in Paradise
Th - #StarWars Republic Commando - Rescue the Squad
Fr - #RepublicCommando - Attack of the Clones
#RetroGaming #LetsPlay
#swtor #starwars #republiccommando #retrogaming #letsplay
El 28 de febrero de 2005 sale a la venta el videojuego Star Wars: Republic Commando.
On February 28, 2005, the video game Star Wars: Republic Commando goes on sale.
El 29 de enero de 2005 se publica en formato digital el soundtrack del videojuego Star Wars: Republic Commando.
On January 29, 2005, the soundtrack of the video game Star Wars: Republic Commando was published in digital format.
#StarWars #RepublicCommando #JesseHarlin #StarWarsSoundtrack
#starwarssoundtrack #jesseharlin #republiccommando #starwars
#StarWars The Essential Legends Collection from Random House Worlds continues in August 2023 with:
- #SWTOR Fatal Alliance by Sean Williams
- Outbound Flight by Timothy Zahn
- Survivor's Quest by Timothy Zahn
- #RepublicCommando Triple Zero by Karen Traviss
No covers yet.
#starwars #swtor #republiccommando
Covers for the May 2023 wave of essential #StarWarsLegends from Random House Worlds have shown up online.
- #DawnOfTheJedi: Into the Void by #TimLebbon
- #Yoda: Dark Rendezvous by #SeanStewart
- #RepublicCommando: Hard Contact by #KarenTraviss
Mark 23/05/23 in your calendars!
#starwarslegends #dawnofthejedi #timlebbon #yoda #seanstewart #republiccommando #karentraviss