Woo Hoo! I'm now #registered with Barns & Noble, #Apple, and #Amazon #Kindle so when I get my current #book #finished or get around to #republishing my first book, I can upload and go on the 3 major #ebook platforms.
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Recovering From a Bad Publishing Experience https://selfpublishingadvice.org/bad-publisher-experience-republishing/ #WatchdogReports #self-publishing #republishing #vanitypress #newedition #publishers #relaunch
#watchdogreports #self #republishing #vanitypress #newedition #Publishers #relaunch
Should I Consider Republishing My Book After Making a Mistake? Other Questions Answered by Orna Ross and Michael La Ronn: Member Q&A Podcast https://selfpublishingadvice.org/republishing/ #BookProduction&DistributionAdvice #BookPromotion&MarketingAdvice #BookDesign&FormattingAdvice #RunningAnAuthorBusiness #BookEditorialAdvice #Self-PublishingLIfe #literaryfiction #Podcast&video #WritingAdvice #MichaelLaRonn #republishing #OrnaRoss #website #Prizes
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