Just to clarify, I’m not going to #FOSDEM, I’m going to #OFFDEM.
I don’t attend, speak at, or legitimise so-called “free software” (or “human rights”, etc.) conferences that let surveillance capitalists like Google launder their reputations by sponsoring them. I’m only taking part in OFFDEM, which was created in reaction to FOSDEM’s lack of principles and ethical backbone.
#FOSS #surveillanceCapitalism #whiteWashing #reputationLaundering #institutionalCorruption
#institutionalcorruption #reputationlaundering #whitewashing #surveillancecapitalism #foss #OFFDEM #fosdem
Two instances in history I know of #English gentry deploying #opium, leaving a trail of death, with impunity, against a larger nation. #China responded with #war (which they lost). A singular sort of #evil deserving to be singled out; to lump #Sackler (#Purdue) with "capitalists" gives them company, within which to hide.
The utility of #philanthropy (eg #art) in #ReputationLaundering is clear. Kudos to those who choose not to be so used. Money talks–there's no obligation to listen.
#war #evil #english #opium #china #sackler #purdue #philanthropy #art #reputationlaundering